‘The Real Doozy’: Lance Bass Reveals He Has Type 1.5 Diabetes Years After Being Misdiagnosed With Similar Condition

Lance Bass, once a part of NSYNC, has won the affection of numerous people. Despite this, it’s important to note that he was incorrectly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, which he didn’t actually have. In truth, Lance had Type 1.5 diabetes, a less common form of the condition. The singer behind “It’s Gonna Be Me” was initially misdiagnosed, but the error in his diagnosis has since been corrected.

How Amber Heard and Johny Depp Are Living Almost Similar Lives After Defemation Lawsuit

For quite some time now, Amber Heard and Johnny Depp have been making news headlines. The intricacies of their tumultuous relationship and the high-profile legal disputes between them have held people’s fascination worldwide. In 2022, their six-week defamation trial unfolded, revealing shocking truths and evoking strong emotions and intense reactions that sparked widespread discussions.

Rock icon jokingly blames Taylor Swift for lack of success

Isn’t it evident that Taylor Swift has grown incredibly popular? Yet, this fame seems to overshadow other talented individuals who deserve recognition. It appears rather impolite of her not to share the limelight occasionally, allowing others their moment in the spotlight too. If she could graciously step back and let another bask in the glow of success for a while, everyone involved would benefit, but it seems difficult for her to do so.