This Cat Christmas Tree Will Give Our Feline Overlords the Holiday They Deserve
What’s more important, your cat or your Christmas tree? It’s a tough question, those are two awesome things. But sadly, they don’t always get along. Cats love to explore. They love to bat. And they love to knock things over. That means cats are always jumping into your Christmas trees, flinging ornaments everywhere, and yet, full-on knocking down the whole tree itself. Of course, a Christmas tree isn’t innocent in all of this. The most common kinds of Christmas trees, fir, spruce, and pine, are all mildly toxic to cats. So what’s a festive cat lover to do? Well, Fancy Feast wants you to have the cat-friendly Christmas tree of your feline’s dreams. Below, you can check out Fancy Feast’s FeastiviTREES, which is the holiday miracle we all deserve. All hail, our feline overlords!