From Mar-A-Lago to maxed-out credit: How tensions between Journey’s Cain and Schon escalated

As a seasoned gamer of rock music history, I’ve witnessed the rise and fall (and sometimes rise again) of countless bands over the years. The tale of Journey, however, is one that truly resonates with me due to its longevity and resilience in the face of adversity.

In 2024, Jonathan Cain’s legal dispute with his fellow bandmate Neal Schon in Journey intensified when Cain filed another lawsuit. The focus of this new action was allegations of excessive spending by Schon, which Cain asserted had been charged to the band, potentially causing a standstill or “deadlock” within the group. This conflict was particularly awkward given that both musicians were still actively performing with Journey, and they were touring North America together with Def Leppard at the time.

On Tuesday, July 30th, a lawsuit was filed, alleging that Schon mismanaged the band’s finances by reaching the maximum limit of $1 million on an American Express card. Furthermore, Cain asserts that Schon violated a $1,500-per-night hotel budget, booked private jets, and hired a personal bodyguard, all without attending to the band’s outstanding debts. However, the lawsuit highlights that Journey’s live performances on stage are unaffected by these financial issues, with Cain stating, “At present, the only aspect of the business that remains unscathed is our onstage performance.

Interestingly, it’s not suggested that wealth prevents someone from valuing their performance. However, the strained relationship between Cain and Schon persists. Previously, drummer Deen Castronovo spoke about tension within the band, expressing, “Everyone was distant, and it was challenging for me to observe friends I’ve known since 1989 not interacting.

2022 saw Cain filing a case against Schon, claiming he had made excessive charges on the band’s American Express card. At around the same time, Schon countered by sending a cease-and-desist letter to Cain after Cain performed Journey’s famous song “Don’t Stop Believin'” at an event related to Donald Trump. The performance of Cain at Mar-A-Lago with MAGA figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kimberly Guilfoyle stirred controversy, with Schon expressing that while Cain was entitled to his political views, expressing them in relation to Journey potentially damaged the band’s image.

How Donald Trump — yes, him — further strained the band Journey

At the risk of sounding like a hit piece against Donald Trump, it’s simply opbjectively true that this decision by Cain exacerbated tensions within the band Journey. Long story short: Schon’s letter stated, “Journey is not, and should not be, political.” Though someone like Kid Rock might back Trump (even praising him for cheating at golf), Journey is pretty far from being the most obviously political band, so it’s no wonder other members might have objected, regardless of which politician was being supported by a band member onstage.

In addition to his recent court submission, Cain points out Neal Schon’s spouse, Michaele Schon (previously known as Michaele Salahi), and her supposed participation in the band’s financial affairs. This legal action implies that Michaele contributed to the escalation of tension within the band’s business dealings. As stated by Cain, both Neal Schon and his wife have accused fellow band members, managers, accountants, and other staff of embezzlement, further fueling the disagreements.

Journey’s place in rock history

Established in San Francisco back in 1973, Journey has weathered numerous ups and downs throughout the years. One of their original members, Neal Schon, played a significant role in the band’s journey to fame. In the late ’70s and ’80s, they soared to unprecedented success, leaving an indelible mark on rock music with iconic albums like “Escape” (1981) and “Frontiers” (1983). Their 1981 hit single “Don’t Stop Believin'” has since become one of the most popular digital tracks ever released, garnering them global acclaim long after its initial debut.

In 1980, it was Cain who became a part of the band; his contributions played a substantial role in Journey’s triumph. He collaborated on writing numerous hit songs for the band, among which were “Open Arms” and “Who’s Crying Now.

This would be a sad way to go out

Through various internal disputes, Journey has persisted over time, retaining a devoted fan base. In 2017, the band was enshrined in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, with both Schon and Cain recognized as members. Despite their tumultuous past, they’ve carried on touring and recording, releasing their latest album, “Freedom,” in 2022.

Nevertheless, the continuous conflicts between Cain and Schon pose a major threat to Journey’s harmony. As these court cases unfold, onlookers – both fans and experts in the industry – find themselves questioning how long Journey can maintain its storied history amidst this internal strife. The lawsuit filed by Cain not only points to financial disagreements but also hints at a deeper schism that may impact the future of one of rock music’s legendary groups.

Some of the latest news involves a social media statement by Schon: “Anyone who follows Journey will know that Jon Cain and I don’t always see eye-to-eye on everything Or, sometimes, on pretty much anything…That’s why I’m so glad that Jon now agrees with me that the current dynamic can’t continue,” Schon added, “and it’s also why I’m pleased that we’re going to bring in someone impartial to help us resolve our disputes, bring clarity to what we’re doing and allow us, as a band, to get back to what we should all focus on – making music and performing for our fans.”

Time alone will reveal if this event occurs and is successful. Just as a journey might doubt its continuation, every journey eventually reaches its conclusion, doesn’t it?

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2024-09-17 21:01