ICYMI: Gojira rocked the 2024 Olympics: A revolutionary — non-satanic — tribute explained

As a long-time fan of Gojira, I can say that their performance at the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony was nothing short of electrifying. It was a testament to their ability to blend history, culture, and metal music in a way that few other bands could. The controversy surrounding the “satanic undertones” of their set was clearly misguided, as Joe Duplantier’s explanations made clear.

2024 Summer Olympics opening ceremony witnessed a stir when French heavy metal band Gojira performed, sparking accusations of satanic undertones in their act. However, frontman Joe Duplantier refuted these claims, stating during an interview with Rolling Stone that the performance was not intended to be sinister or satanic in nature.

Rather than focusing on specific aspects, Duplantier highlighted the historical and cultural foundations that define the collection, stating, “This is a piece of French heritage. This exudes French allure.

He explained the significance of the event, which included double bass drums, vivid fireworks, and crimson ribbons, as the band played the 19th-century French hymn “Ah! Ça Ira” from the windows of Paris’ iconic Conciergerie Palace.

Duplantier stated that the event mirrored France’s revolutionary fervor, which was characterized by “decapitations, red wine, and bloodshed,” and further described it as inherently “romantic.” However, given the current political climate in America with another election approaching, it is not surprising to encounter occasional moral concerns about musical acts, or instances where the uproar may be more justified.

Gojira at the Olympics?!

It came as a shock to Gojira themselves when they were asked to participate in the Olympics. As Duplantier explained, when they initially received the call from composer Victor Le Masne from the Olympic Committee, they found it hard to believe that they would be involved. He described the prospect of performing at such a prestigious event as almost surreal.

Gojira, renowned for their significant impact on the global metal scene, were humbled rather than boasting about their status. They didn’t view themselves as bands like Metallica or AC/DC, who might have been chosen for such an honor. Joe Duplantier, the band’s frontman, confessed that they had never felt like the world’s biggest band to play at the Olympics. However, in a moment of reflection, he acknowledged the entire metal community and felt a deep sense of pride and duty to accept the invitation.

The eccentricities of the performance

The band wasn’t given a choice on the song they played during the performance. In truth, they were largely uninformed about their part in the ceremony. All they knew was that they would share the stage with renowned artists such as Celine Dion and Lady Gaga, but they had no idea how their act would align with the overall event.

Regardless of the absence of prior rehearsals and the grandeur of the event, Gojira remained faithful to their original sound. They chose not to dilute their style by suddenly switching genres to surprise people, but rather aimed to maintain the integrity of metal music, even at an occasion primarily for non-Metalheads. An Olympics performance is rarely on a band’s wishlist, even for those with grand ambitions, but once invited, it’s reasonable not to refuse the opportunity.

Why Gojira was chosen…and no, it’s not because they, or the Olympics, are “satanic”

Historically, Gojira has consistently been linked to France’s cultural heritage and its commitment to secular principles. Duplantier highlighted that the principle of laïcité, or the separation of church and state, significantly influenced their artistic output. To clarify, secularism does not equate to Satanism, nor is it anti-religious. In fact, many religious individuals support the idea of a secular government, often doing so themselves.

The lead singer of Gojira emphasized that their performance wasn’t intended to be religious or against religion. He added humorously, “There’s nothing satanic about it.” He pointed out that France’s democratic structure as a republic is rooted in historical occurrences such as the revolution, where the nation cut its formal ties with religion.

Article Ten of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen asserts: “Individuals should not be disturbed due to their beliefs, including religious ones, provided that the expression of such beliefs does not conflict with existing laws and order.” This principle is deeply ingrained in French identity, and Duplantier contends that the performance under discussion is primarily concerned with history, disseminating information, and cultural symbolism rather than religious symbolism.

Even though Donald Trump Jr. and Speaker Mike Johnson, along with other conservative critics, expressed disapproval of various aspects of the ceremony, Duplantier stated that he hadn’t watched the entire event from start to finish. Instead, his attention was primarily on his family, and he didn’t get a chance to fully understand or appreciate the other parts, such as an apparent reenactment of “The Last Supper” involving drag queens, which had garnered criticism from religious conservatives (it should be noted that this scene was supposedly meant to depict the Greek God Dionysus instead).

A big event for a big band

Gojira making an appearance at the Olympics is yet another impressive achievement in their musical journey. Originating in 1996, this band has relentlessly expanded the realms of metal music, seamlessly integrating environmental advocacy with their distinctive sound. Their albums like “From Mars to Sirius” (2005) and “Magma” (2016) have garnered widespread critical acclaim, fostering a loyal fanbase across the globe.

Gojira is recognized not only for their powerful music but also for their profound lyrics, which frequently explore themes like nature, spirituality, and humankind’s influence on Earth. As an illustration, their song “A Sight To Behold” includes the lines:

“The way we act collectively often baffles understanding

As a devotee, I can’t help but marvel at how Gojira seamlessly straddles the line between staying rooted in their unique cultural heritage and capturing the attention of mainstream audiences during their Olympic performance. Their exceptional blend of intensity and intellectual depth has set them apart in the metal genre, and their relentless pursuit to innovate artistically has earned them admiration worldwide.

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2024-09-13 15:01