What Caused Prince Harry’s Fallout with ‘The Crown’ Actor Dominic West? Find Out

As a devoted fan who has followed both Prince Harry and Dominic West‘s journey through the years, I must say that their friendship tale is as intriguing as any plot twist in The Crown. Their bond, forged during a noble cause, turned sour due to an unfortunate sequence of events.

Approximately a decade past, The Duke of Sussex and Dominic West, most famously recognized from the acclaimed Netflix series ‘The Crown’, took part in the South Pole trek to gather funds for Walking for the Wounded. Through this shared experience, they formed a strong friendship. However, West recently confessed that their friendship dwindled when Prince Harry revealed too much personal information during an interview.

In a recently unearthed conversation from Times Radio in December 2023, the actor, who played King Charles in the Netflix series, shared thoughts when asked about any advice Prince Harry might have offered for portraying his father on television. “Well,” said West, “that was more than a decade ago, as I recall.”

When queried about whether he still had the prince’s contact details, West answered vaguely, “Not really, no.” Elaborating on his response, he admitted, “I revealed too much during a press conference, which led us to stop communicating after that.” He added, “I believe I was asked what we did—what our celebrations were when we arrived, and I might have disclosed too many details about it.”

The disagreement can be traced back to 2013 when the West made some comments during a joint press conference after they completed a charity hike together to aid injured British military personnel. During this event, he recounted an amusing story from their journey, which included them drinking champagne from a fellow adventurer’s prosthetic leg as a celebratory gesture. After a disagreement about this incident, Prince Harry accused the West of invading his privacy, and they haven’t had any contact since then.

In a 2014 interview, West openly discussed the team’s jubilant reaction following their completion of a 208-mile trek the previous year. He explained, “Two Australian men took off their clothes and ran around a pole, while most of us, including Harry, participated in a two-day spree with Icelandic truck drivers who offered strong homemade alcohol.” West also praised Prince Harry as a “wonderful man,” and spoke about one of his unique talents – the ability to build a toilet during the journey. This was achieved by using a flagpole, a roll holder for toilet paper, blocks of snow, and digging a hole with a platform for squatting in just 45 minutes.

During his praise for the Duke’s valuable aid during the journey, West also mentioned that Prince Harry shared some surprising and vulgar jokes, which left him quite astonished. “As a non-military person like myself, it was truly unexpected,” he added. Although the prince’s positive impact was highlighted, their bond deteriorated due to the fallout from these disclosures, eclipsing the goodwill that had been established.

Following some events, it has been reported that Prince Harry seems to have developed a disdain towards individuals who are friends with the actor in a personal capacity. One of West’s friends revealed to The Daily Mail in 2022 that “Harry had a tantrum. He accused Dominic of violating his privacy. Dominic told him he was being absurd. They haven’t spoken since.”

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2024-08-20 16:24