1980s movie icon has become an viral sensation with his guitar

As a gamer with a soft spot for 80’s pop culture and a deep admiration for resilience, I find Corey Feldman’s story both inspiring and amusing. Growing up, I fondly remember his roles in movies like ‘The Goonies’ and ‘Stand by Me’. Now, seeing him picking up the guitar and sharing his music with the world is a testament to human spirit and determination.

While mastering music as a career isn’t for everyone, engaging in it recreationally is something everyone can attempt. In fact, I dare say, everyone should give it a try. Music serves an exceptional role in helping us overcome the monotony of daily life and provides immense joy. Some individuals might find this therapeutic relief especially crucial.

For Corey Feldman, there’s a necessity. Following his appearances in numerous box office hits during the 1980s and gaining fame just by being Corey Feldman, the actor struggled with substance abuse. These issues surfaced long after Feldman’s alleged instances of abuse as a child.

Despite everything, it appears that Feldman is still around, in good health, and eagerly longing to strum his guitar. Moreover, he seems open to passing on his musical talents through online platforms. It’s safe to assume that he probably doesn’t give much thought to the opinions of those who criticize his skills. Let’s hope not!

Corey Feldman just wants to inspire others with his guitar playing

Limp Bizkit, with Feldman joining them on some tour dates, may have found a commercial appeal in having Corey Feldman as a band member. After all, it’s intriguing to see if an actor can truly play an instrument. However, Feldman should not be compared to a musical genius like Jimi Hendrix. Yet, the essence of his performance isn’t about technical prowess but something else entirely.

He primarily seeks enjoyment and encourages others to do the same. His level of expertise is irrelevant since not many possess such skill. Therefore, when internet critics claim Feldman isn’t genuinely playing in his online videos, he demonstrates that he is indeed producing live music during concerts – a fitting way to make those critics eat humble pie.

During a forthcoming chat with Guitar World, Feldman shared his thoughts on how playing the guitar is accessible to everyone, provided they dedicate the necessary effort.

He said, “I love the fact that there’s all these videos on YouTube that show you how to play whatever song you want. That has literally changed the game. Any one of us can pick up a guitar, sit there, and study the tabs. On top of that, look what’s happened here because I’m playing this solo, and it’s spreading all over the internet. Do you know what that does? It inspires people to want to play guitar.”

Therein lies the real point. Feldman knows he is not a master musician, though that won’t stop him from trying to be. He might also inspire others to try an instrument out as well. Someone who watches Feldman play might think, “I can do that, too!” Then maybe that person becomes the next Eddie Van Halen.

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2024-08-26 16:00