📢 Banned Users Information (December 18th)

Hi there, it’s BrownDust2 here, your friendly neighborhood gamer with over two decades of gaming under his belt!

Hello, this is BrownDust2.

In order to promote a friendlier and healthier gaming experience, we’ve implemented penalties on accounts found to be misusing the game.

By December 18th, we’ve taken action on accounts that showed unusual behavior, like misusing or mistreating the game. For more information, please see the details provided.

[List of Banned Users]

We will continue to monitor and enhance our security measures to ensure that players who enjoy the game legitimately are not affected.

Furthermore, we’ll enforce our Terms of Service and Operational Policies strictly on those attempting unconventional play, maintaining a fair and balanced gaming experience for every player.

Thank you.

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2024-12-18 17:37