In the recent installment of Momentary Lily, the characters paid their respects to Yuri by mourning her passing and providing a fitting send-off. As Renge delved into Yuri’s history out of curiosity, it was revealed that she had founded the group. Flashbacks depicted Sazanka encountering a terrified Yuri, with Yuri eventually persuading Hinageshi and Erika to join by relentlessly pursuing them through shared interests and gaming.

Currently, the collective refers to itself as MMY (or Emyu), in tribute to Yuri. In a fierce conflict with three Wild Hunts, Yuri’s Andvari combined with Renge’s, forming a potent new tool, hinting at stronger bonds between them.

In Episode 4 of Momentary Lily, we’ll see MMY carrying on their adventure, now under the guidance of Ayame. The team is planning to venture into the city center, a risky area they discussed earlier, in order to track down the origin of the uploaded photos and reveal the identity of the mysterious poster.

In response to unexpected cold weather, the girls plan to cook a meal that will help them survive and adapt in their altered group dynamic without Yuri. These changes will challenge their bond and highlight Ayame’s leadership position among them.

4th episode of “Momentary Lily” is scheduled to debut on January 23, 2025, at 11:30 pm (Japan Standard Time). This anime will be part of the Winter 2025 season. It will first air in Japan on Tokyo MX, followed by broadcasts on other networks such as BS Asahi, Kansai TV, and AT-X.

For global audiences, you can start streaming Momentary Lily Episode 4 on Crunchyroll three hours following its broadcast in Japan. Meanwhile, the episode will debut on U-NEXT at midnight JST on January 24, and on Amazon Prime a day later, specifically on January 25.

Keep up with TopMob for more updates on the Momentary Lily anime and more from the animeverse.

*I’ve made every effort to ensure that the release dates and times I’ve shared are precise, but please note they may be altered by the creators at their own discretion.*

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2025-01-22 17:52