Where to find the Mad Stonemason’s treasure in Kingdom Come 2

As a dedicated enthusiast, delving into the rich history of medieval Bohemia, you might have stumbled upon a captivating yarn about an eccentric old stonemason in pursuit of a hidden hoard of lost coins. This isn’t just pocket change we’re talking about! Here’s your guide on how to unearth the Mad Stonemason’s treasure in the upcoming sequel, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

Visit Trosky Castle located in the Trosky district initially to gain information about the hidden treasure. Later, explore the historic archery range nestled within the old quarry just south of the castle. Engage in a chat with Bohumir, the man who organizes archery tournaments at this site.

Ah, you seem to find this place unfamiliar. Let me give you a quick rundown – it was once a quarry, alright? Now, if you’re interested in the local folklore, there’s this old tale about a crazy hermit who used to live around here.

I inquire about the eccentric fellow, and he regales me with tales of the mad stoneworker who dwells in those parts. As Bohumir explains, this peculiar character is on a quest for a secret trove of groschen that once belonged to him and his companion at the quarry. The challenge lies in the fact that his late friend was the only one who knew where it’s hidden; however, he met an untimely end in an accident, burying the location of the treasure with him. Since then, the stoneworker has been residing in a shabby cottage close by, venturing out only to scour the quarry for the hoard.

How to find the Mad Stonemason’s treasure in Kingdom Come 2

If you’d prefer, you can pay a visit to the stonemason. He resides at the Vagrant’s hut or is usually searching for rocks at the quarry. You could offer him some money and claim it’s a treasure, but let’s try to find the real treasure instead, shall we?

To locate the hidden treasure, search for a steep slope, situated to the left of the archery targets. This slope has a ladder leading up from it. Ascend this first ladder and then you’ll find another ladder on the second level. Climb that one to reach the cliff edge.

As you reach the peak, take a left turn and walk towards the south, following the cliffside until you come across a tiny open area with a few slender trees, suggesting they’re about to make a watermelon perform a walk-off.

Or more concisely:

Upon reaching the summit, veer left, then walk south along the cliff edge to a mini grassy spot where some thin trees seem to be lining up for a watermelon to do a ‘walk the plank’.

1. Glance at the base of the trees for a stack of rocks.

2. Tap the button or press the key labeled “Inspect Stones” to proceed.

Doing so reveals the location of the mad stonemason’s treasure: a whopping 549 Groschen.

You have two options – either give the treasure back to the stoneworker or keep it yourself. Giving him the coins won’t bring you any significant benefits. However, he will express his gratitude and you’ll get a new entry for “Stonemason” in your codex. That’s all there is to it.

Generally speaking, acquiring the treasure serves as an effective means of accumulating a decent amount of spending money right at the start of the game. However, gaining knowledge about stonemasons might not always be the most valuable prize available.

Looking for ways to uncover hidden riches in ‘Kingdom Come 2’? Our guide offers insights into locating the Vidlak Bandit’s Map treasure.

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2025-02-15 17:48