Valerie Bertinelli Reveals She Quit Drinking Alcohol Nearly A Year Ago Because Of THIS Reason

As a lifestyle expert, I wholeheartedly commend Valerie Bertinelli for her remarkable transformation and dedication to self-improvement. Her journey towards sobriety, particularly at this stage of her life, is truly inspiring. Aging gracefully doesn’t just mean wrinkles and wisdom; it also means making conscious decisions that promote physical and mental wellness.

Valerie Bertinelli has shared that she’s been without alcohol for almost a year now, and she feels fantastic! On September 28, the actress addressed the first Food & Wine Classic in Charleston, discussing her alcohol-free experience. She explained how growing older influenced her choice to quit drinking. At 64 years old, Bertinelli, who starred on Hot in Cleveland, asserts that she’s happier, healthier, and more connected with her body since abstaining from alcohol.

As the newest wellness expert on The Drew Barrymore Show, I’ve found that growing older played a significant role in my decision to stop drinking. In conversation with PEOPLE, I expressed that this change may have much to do with the process of aging itself.

As you grow older, there seems to be a decreasing desire to introduce certain things into your system. However, it’s crucial to remember that each individual retains the autonomy to decide what they put in their body. Bertinelli, who has experienced the benefits, made it clear that giving up has been effective for her personally, and she now feels much improved as a result.

Personally, I’ve found that after abstaining from alcohol for several months, I no longer yearn for it. The reason is simple: I no longer appreciate the way it affected me, whether immediately after consumption or the next day. Eliminating alcohol from my routine has significantly improved my daily life.

In early September, it was announced that Bertinelli had joined ‘The Drew Crew’, a team of specialists featured on The Drew Barrymore Show, as reported by PEOPLE. Regularly appearing on the show, she contributes to lifestyle segments with a focus on wellness-related topics.

Drew Bertinelli shares her thoughts on serious matters like menopause on the show, something she wishes she had learned about a decade earlier. As she puts it, “Drew addresses subjects that I longed to hear about in my younger years, such as menopause.” She does this with such elegance, honesty, and sincerity that we all can empathize with her.

Bertinelli shared that these open conversations have provided her with valuable insights, particularly concerning menopause. She enjoys discussing the topic because changes are occurring within her body. Furthermore, she finds it enjoyable to converse with other women who are experiencing similar situations, as they can empathize and share their experiences.

Bertinelli’s overall health has seen a remarkable enhancement since she abstained from alcohol. In an interview with PEOPLE, she revealed that being sober has simplified her life. She expressed that despite the difficulties and complexities of life, she now finds it less daunting to identify what needs to be done and manage her life more effectively.

In my perspective as a lifestyle advisor, I’ve found that abandoning alcohol has transformed my mornings into refreshing and alert beginnings. For me, it’s now an integral aspect of my daily routine, providing the clarity and vitality needed to tackle life’s hurdles with renewed vigor and focus.

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2024-09-29 10:23