Tower of Salvation – Quick Start Guide

Key mechanics

  • Evil Castle Tower of Salvation is a new roguelike game mode (like Slay the Spire). There are 30 levels per floor.
  • 3 free attempts per day. No free retries! However, entry keys are dirt cheap (10 dia).
  • Your starting team is drafted by picking five 5-star costumes. The choices you can pick from for your starting team are randomly presented to you. As you progress through the game, you can collect more costumes via shops and elite battle rewards.
  • If you already own a costume, you will inherit your costume upgrades and unlocked potentials.
  • Not inherited:
    • Character levels: All costumes are treated as Lv 100 in the Tower of Salvation
    • Equipped gears: No gears allowed in the Tower of Salvation. Instead of gears, you get “relics” which are obtained as you progress through the tower.
  • During the battle, you can use 2 SP to swap out the characters that are deployed in battle. This includes swapping out dead characters for characters on your bench.

Currency and rewards

  • Like Tower of Pride, you earn one-time rewards for clearing each floor. Clear rewards reset every 4 weeks.
  • Season rewards will also be distributed on the basis of the total score of all players.
  • During each run, you will earn Lost Silver. Silver is used to spend in shops during your run. You don’t keep any Silver after each run, so if you haven’t spent it by the end of the run, the Silver is wasted. Also, Silver can only be used to purchase items that you use during your run. Any relics and costumes that you can buy with Silver will not be carried over to your next run.
  • After completing each run (or when abandoning the run), you will earn Night World Obsidian. Obsidian is used to buy stat increases that apply to all runs during the season. Stats you buy with Obsidian reset at the end of the season.

Starting team tips

As a seasoned Brown Dust 2 player with countless hours under my belt, I’ve seen it all – from the thrill of landing that one-turn KO to the frustration of being knocked out before reaching the boss room. And let me tell you, building the perfect team and strategizing for optimal relics is no walk in the park!

Based on my experience working with various IT systems, I strongly believe that buffers play a crucial role in ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. Among the individuals mentioned – H.Lathel, B.Helena, and MC.Teresse – I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with them in the past, and I can attest to their exceptional skills and dedication. If you already have them at a high level within your team or organization, consider yourself lucky!

As a gamer, I can’t stress enough how important it is to have powerful Area of Effect (AOE) units in your Army of Empires (AOE) roster. Units like Sacred Justia, GC.Rafina, RS.Liatris, and so on are true game-changers. They can take down entire groups of enemies with a single attack, making battles much more manageable. However, keep in mind that some of these units come with higher Spirit (SP) costs, so make sure your economy is stable before making those picks. Other solid options include Loen and Roxy, among others.

As a seasoned player with years of experience under my belt, I strongly believe that having a diverse team composition is crucial for taking down bosses efficiently. While Area of Effect (AOE) skills are undeniably valuable, nothing beats the satisfaction of watching high damage attackers take down tanks and tough bosses with ease.

On earlier levels, it’s less crucial to have defenders like tanks or buffs since you can typically defeat all enemies in a single turn. However, as the levels progress, having tanks becomes valuable for withstanding powerful enemy attacks. Notable tank options include Seir, Lecliss, and Glacia. Additionally, defensive buffers such as RH.Rou and AD.Diana are beneficial in more advanced stages.

Building your team for relics

As I progress in the game and explore new opportunities, I discover an increasing number of options to shape my team. it’s crucial for me to construct my squad based on my relics, and ensure that each relic aligns with a consistent theme. Here are some primary themes to consider as I develop my collection:

Consider specializing your primary combatants as solely physical or magical entities. By doing so, you can maximize the use of relics that exclusively enhance either physical or magical abilities. Consequently, having a team composed entirely of one type will grant you access to a broader range of relics tailored for all your main attackers.

Considering some relics grant substantial benefits when you have a certain number of allies sharing the same element, while others reward having a specified number of allies representing diverse elements, ponder over your desired path for development.

Based on my extensive experience in building teams for various games, I strongly believe that constructing a rainbow team is generally more straightforward than mono teams. Rainbow teams offer more flexibility and versatility as you have access to a wider range of elements and types.

As a fan of this game, I’m always pondering over the question: “Should I go for big chain stacks or no chains at all?” Some relics in my collection bestow extra chain stacks or amplify the potency of my chains. This makes me inclined towards constructing a team with a high number of chain stacks. On the other hand, there are certain relics that offer bonuses only when I have fewer than a specific number of chain stacks. Consequently, building a team with minimal chain stacks becomes an appealing choice for me as well.

In the initial stages of a game, employing basic combos is more advantageous. However, your combat strength might decrease in the intermediary to late stages. If you opt for a team that relies on simple combo stacks, then securing the “Conquering Greatsword” relic should be a top priority.

Low priority relics:

  • Any relics that boost the first position unit are not recommended – because the first position unit should usually be a buffer not an attacker.
  • Any relics that boost elemental damage are relatively low priority, unless you are confident you have enough characters to be able to attack with a strong element on most levels. Note some enemies are also “no element”.
  • Defensive buffs are low priority until you get more into the late game. In the early game you should be aiming to boost damage for the one turn KO.

Gameplay tips

  • Shops are healing stations! All shops allow you to fully heal your team for 1000 Silver.
  • You earn interest on your Silver after each level. UR Relics are very expensive, and some go for as much as 48,000 Silver (see below). Saving up your Silver rather than spending early is a risky strategy, but spending too much early may lock you out from being able to afford the good UR relics.

  • Look ahead to plan your route. If you’ve built a strong lineup, aim for as more hard battles and events to collect better relics. If your lineup is weak, run towards a shop and avoid hard battles until you find some better allies.
  • Event rooms are generally good, but may result in a tough battle. Events are usually better value than easy battle rooms, but not necessarily better value than hard battle rooms. Event rooms are more desirable if you have relics that improve the chances of favorable events.
  • After each run, make sure you use your Obsidian upgrade your skills. High priority to invest at least 1 level in include ATK/M.ATK, SP, and refreshes. More SP allows you to use more SP heavy costumes, more refreshes make your picks more consistent and less “luck reliant”. ATK and M.ATK go without saying.

Battle tips

  • Although you can’t retry, if you make a mistake you can quit the game and restart before the battle ends. This will allow you to attempt the level again without penalty (or, if you can’t beat the level, you can abandon the run and save some of your Obsidian earnings)
  • Don’t forget your knockbacks! A lot of the enemies in the tower have weird positioning, so knockbacks are essential to reposition your enemies into your main attacker’s AOE.
  • Swapping characters at the start of the battle is free. Swapping characters mid battle costs 2 SP. Don’t forget that you can swap out dead characters (graves) for your benched characters at any time during the battle.

Stay tuned, more Tower of Salvation guides to come!

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2024-07-19 05:07