Top 6 Monsters Weak to Water Weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds!

In Monster Hunter Wilds, there are just two monsters whose defeat yields enough materials for creating Water-based weapons. The initial chance arises when confronting Uth Duna, followed by the creation of the Uth Khviluk 1, a type of bow weapon. As for the bow category, players can also secure the Nihil Bow 1 upon defeating Xu Wu. Each weapon boasts a skill tree that enhances its power with every upgrade. If you’re looking for additional Water weapon options, you’ll have to progress into the post-game phase to start crafting Artian weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds.

In Monster Hunter Wilds, I always remember to douse Ajarakan, Gravios, Guardian Ebony Odogaron, Nu Udra, Quematrice, and Rompopolo with water first. These beasts tend to fall faster when they’re wet. The Guardian Fulgur Anjanath, Rey Dau, and Yian Kut-Ku are also weak to Water-based attacks, but the others are primarily vulnerable to them, so let’s strategize on how to take these monsters down using water weapons or elements!

6. Ajarakan

A Monkey Begging To Be Washed

  • Weakness: Ice and Water

In the game, Ajarakan is a recently introduced monster that emerges during the fire season in the Oilwell Basin. It’s one of the most fierce monkey-like creatures within the game, only surpassed by Blangonga and Congalala who are relatively easier to manage. Ajarakan boasts incredible speed, has the ability to overwhelm players with its powerful attacks, and possesses a notably high health bar, particularly in the later stages of Monster Hunter Wilds when more formidable high-ranked predators make their appearance.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that the Ajarakan creature seems to have a fiery nature, making it particularly vulnerable to the Ice and Water elements. While Ice can cause some harm, it’s the Water element that players should primarily target. For maximum damage, aim your weapon at the head, the two front legs, the back, or the tip of its tail when battling this beast.

5. Gravios

Big Boy Wants To Tumble

  • Weakness: Dragon, Ice, and Water

In the series, Gravios is among the oldest dragons, first appearing in the inaugural Monster Hunter. Despite its imposing size, Gravios is more of a softie, so to speak, because it tends to roll over rather than attack aggressively. Its roll is relatively slow and easy to evade, as are most of its fire breaths.

Currently, there are three elements – Dragon, Ice, and Water – each with some weaknesses. However, it seems that Ice offers no significant benefits. In contrast, employing Dragon weapons allows players to score critical hits on various parts such as the head, neck, belly, and tail. On the other hand, using Water weapons grants additional damage to all body parts except the head, making Water a clear advantage in this case.

4. Guardian Ebony Odogaron

Wet This Guardian’s Appetite

  • Weakness: Water

The character Guardian Ebony Odogaron primarily struggles with Water attacks. Nevertheless, various weapon types and elements can inflict significant damage on this entity, making the player’s choice relatively insignificant. However, for maximum damage, players should opt for Water-based weapons, particularly when targeting the head. Remarkably, even though it receives a damage boost against every body part with Water attacks, it still takes more damage from Water-based weapons on the head.

As a gamer, I’ve found that the speedy nature of this creature, which resembles a scaly wolf more than a dragon, can make it tricky to hit its head squarely. Interestingly, it seems to be particularly attracted to Dragon-style attacks. For those curious about the game’s lore, Odogaron hails from “Monster Hunter: World”. Intriguingly, another monster from the same game, Anjanath, teams up with Odogaron for a refreshing twist on classic monsters, dubbed Guardians.

3. Nu Udra

Douse This Octopus’ Flames

  • Weakness: Water

In the game Monster Hunter Wilds, Udra is among the strongest monsters and water attacks are not very effective against its fire-based nature. Its one vulnerable spot for water attacks is its mouth, but be cautious as once it opens, you’ll need to quickly retreat because you only have a few seconds. While having a Water-type weapon can provide an advantage, it’s not absolutely essential for success.

It’s crucial for players to keep their distance from Nu Udra due to its long tentacles and ability to ignite itself. Similar to Ajarakan, it resides in the fiercest parts of the Oilwell Basin. One strategy to defeat it is by using Water Ammo with a Heavy Bowgun, but a Bow might offer more mobility for players.

2. Quematrice

A Chicken That Fries Itself

  • Weakness: Water

In the game “Monster Hunter Wilds,” Quematrice is the second beast that players will come across, and it has a unique vulnerability to Water attacks. However, at the initial encounter, players won’t be able to take advantage of this weakness since they haven’t yet encountered Uth Duna, who provides the necessary Water-based weaponry. Despite this, Quematrice, similar to Chatacabra, the first monster you’ll battle in the game, is relatively easy to defeat even without using a Water-based weapon.

After obtaining a water-based weapon, players will deal additional damage if they hit the head or tail of their target. Since the tail offers a larger area to aim for, it may be easier to strike there. However, be cautious when attacking a Quematrice’s tail as it is where its fiery blasts originate.

1. Rompopolo

Mix Out The Poison With Water

  • Weakness: Water

In the game Monster Hunter Wilds, Rompopolo is a venomous, bipedal creature resembling a mosquito that enjoys concealing itself in oil. This creature can poison enemies either at close range or from afar. Players might assume that because it’s submerged in oil, the beast would be weak against fire, as using fire to ignite the oil could seem advantageous. However, quite unexpectedly, its only weakness is Water. To take down this venomous bug, players can employ waterfalls of arrows, slices from liquid swords, or splashes from solid objects.

In particular, aim for the head, body, or tail when attacking Rompopolo to deal the maximum amount of damage and defeat it easily. The intro cinematic suggests that this enemy resembles a Helghast soldier from Killzone, so players might find the initial battle quite tough. However, after some practice, Rompopolo can be defeated effectively whether players choose to use Water-based weapons or not.

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2025-03-10 16:05