This Monster Size Comparison Video Compares Totoro to King Kong

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in the fantastical worlds of various films, TV shows, and video games, I cannot help but feel both awestruck and amused by this incredible video from MetaBallStudios. The sheer scale of these fictional creatures is mind-boggling!

It is easy to look up the height of an actor online and compare it to your own because we all have a frame of reference. But what is the reference for fictional monsters like Sully from Monsters Inc. or King Kong from Kong: Skull Island? Gorillas do not normally take down helicopters, so it would be helpful to compare them to other creatures. Have you ever wondered how the Mind Flayer from Stranger Things is compared to the Colossal Titan from Attack on Titan? How about if you could step on Kirby? Are you taller than a Minecraft Creeper? Could Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro could be in the NBA? If you were then you’re in luck! The video below has you covered for questions related to the actual sizes of fictional characters and monsters.

This YouTube video by MetaBallStudios shows how big monsters from well-known TV shows, movies, and gaming franchises actually are in reality. The channel creates 3D animations to demonstrate this, such as showing that Godzilla stands at a whopping 120 meters tall. They produce various videos comparing the sizes of fantasy characters, objects, and vehicles. Other intriguing comparisons by MetaBallStudios involve Mechas, game maps, and different kinds of dragons. Some of their videos even offer a first-person view for a closer look at the true size of these beasts, including the one you saw above.

The video starts off showcasing a tiny character named Sackboy from the “Big Little Planet” platform game franchise, standing at just 8 centimeters tall. It then progresses to Super Shenron, a colossal figure hailing from “Dragon Ball Super,” who is larger than entire galaxies. The video concludes with Yog-Sothoth, an indescribably vast cosmic being that was brought to life by horror writer H.P. Lovecraft.

The video aids in visualizing the actual scale of the monsters. Regrettably, or perhaps less fortunately when it comes to Totoro, we’ll never get close enough to them in real life.

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2024-09-25 22:32