On Saturdays, the timeless humor of Saturday Night Live’s sketch comedy keeps audiences chuckling, fifty years after its debut in 1974. This groundbreaking show has left such an impact that several sketches have turned into full-length films, and even the tumultuous events surrounding its premiere are worth a movie. To commemorate five decades of Saturday Night Live, Peacock is unveiling SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night, a documentary series whose trailer truly captures its enduring brilliance.

In “SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night,” you’ll get the chance to revisit some iconic sketches from various episodes of Saturday Night Live, complemented by detailed insights and commentary provided by comedians who made their mark on this renowned stage. This documentary, which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Saturday Night Live, offers a deeper look into its history and impact. Here’s a brief summary to accompany the trailer:

The four-part documentary series titled “SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night” pays tribute to the history of SNL, featuring more than 60 contributors such as alumni, spanning decades of the show’s history. Highlighting some of its most memorable aspects, each episode explores the deep-rooted history of SNL and offers a peek behind the scenes, focusing on the audition process, the writers’ room, the beloved “More Cowbell” sketch, and the influential season 11.

The special event “SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night” will premiere on Peacock on a Thursday, specifically on the 16th of January, contrary to its usual Saturday night slot.

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2025-01-07 18:02