Should you pull for Rowdy and Cheery Banners


As a seasoned Blue Archive player with countless hours spent in the game and numerous students under my command, I must say that while Umika and the other two Mystic Strikers, Izuna and Mimori, are certainly formidable additions to any team, they may not be an immediate priority for everyone.

In continuation of our previous post featuring rerun banners, we now introduce two new characters, Umika and Tsubaki, as well as returning characters Mimori and Izuna. This piece aims to provide a quick summary on whether it’s advisable to summon these characters.

Tsubaki (Guide) Overview

Tsubaki (Guide), a 3-star permanent character, functions as your typical AoE attack buffer, specializing in boosting allied attack power. Like Kotama, she is a piercing specialist, but her buff values and duration on EX Skill are significantly higher. In the majority of content, it’s often beneficial to choose G.Tsubaki over Kotama if your primary concern is dealing damage.

If you prioritize survivability and team support, Kotama might be more suitable for you. His ATK Debuff benefits the entire team, ensuring they can fight effectively. In situations where you frequently change locations on the map, G.Tsubaki’s EX Skill may not follow your team, potentially leaving a valuable buff unused.

Should you pull on this banner?

Given that we have an understanding of the benefits Tsubaki (Guide) brings to the team, is she a worthwhile character to acquire? Ultimately, if Tsubaki (Guide) aligns with the student you desire, feel free to summon her without our interference as it’s your game and account.

For most players, No. G.Tsubaki is a luxury pick or an upgrade to Kotama, if you really want to push for higher floors in Fury of Set. If you are pushing for higher floors in Fury of Set, note that Kotama isn’t a bad choice in most teams. This is due to the difference in their Basic Skill. Tsubaki’s Basic Skill only affects one target, while Kotama can decrease the enemies’ ATK.

Umika Overview

Umika is a consistently strong 3-star student specializing in mystic striker role, excelling particularly in single-target damage output. Unlike typical damage dealers, she primarily employs summons or turrets to inflict most of the damage. Her gameplay predominantly involves summoning these turrets and unleashing massive bursts of damage using their fundamental abilities.

Although it seems straightforward, there are some challenges to overcome. One of these issues is keeping three to five turrets active without them expiring. To pull this off effectively, you should strategize your rotation in advance because it requires 15 skill points to summon all five turrets. This doesn’t account for the free turret from the Sub Skill and additional skill points needed to cycle through your team’s EX Skill.

The upcoming concern involves managing the lifespan of turret abilities and their buff periods. It’s optimal to maintain the buff on all turrets (keeping them active) and provide Umika with enough time to align her Basic attack for a successful strike from the turrets. Given its intricacy, mastering this technique requires significant practice. Typically, only 1-3 turrets remain active during the majority of the battle.

Should you pull on this banner?

Given that we understand the benefits Umika brings to the team, is she a worthy character to acquire? Well, if she’s a team member you desire, feel free to go ahead with acquiring her. It’s ultimately your game and your account.

Generally speaking, Umika has a high ability to excel in both her best and worst performances, making her capable of being an exceptional damage dealer or dealing average damage. To get the most out of her damage output, it’s crucial to focus on managing her turret durations, buffs, and timing of her Basic Skill triggers. Additionally, there are many Mystic damage dealers available, so if you don’t have Umika, you could borrow one instead.

Izuna Overview

In simpler terms, Izuna is a constant, three-star student classified under the Mystic Striker category. She’s not your typical fighter, focusing on single targets and using her auto attacks effectively. Her abilities are primarily designed for ShiroKuro. Notably, her EX Skill allows her to reposition herself safely. It’s worth mentioning that most of Izuna’s damage comes from her basic skill, which requires six consecutive auto attacks to activate. This makes speed boosters like Chinatsu (Hot Spring) particularly beneficial for Izuna since they increase her attack speed.

Should you pull on this banner?

After understanding the capabilities of Izuna in a team setting, should she be a character you choose to acquire? If she suits your gaming style and strategy, by all means, go ahead and make the decision to summon her. Ultimately, it’s your game and your call.

Generally speaking, Izuna can be acquired from challenging levels on the farm, without the need for Pyroxenes. You don’t necessarily have to pull for her intentionally, unless her personality particularly appeals to you.

Mimori Overview

Mimori is a constant 3-star Mystic combat student who primarily excels in repositioning allies. Her EX ability moves up to 5 team members in a circular area of effect to a chosen location. This feature is especially useful in the game mode known as ShiroKuro, regardless of the phase. Furthermore, she boosts her attack speed, complementing auto-attack characters such as Izuna and Aris (Maid). In terms of defense, Mimori raises her team’s defense with her passive skill and applies a health regeneration effect to the ally with the least health remaining.

Should you pull on this banner?

Given that we understand Mimori’s contributions to the team, should she be considered a good choice for summoning? If Mimori aligns with the character you desire, feel free to proceed with summoning without our interference. After all, it’s your game and your decision.

In essence, Mimori is a student who can be acquired from the Grand Raid shop on your farm without using any Pyroxenes. It’s not necessary to actively try to get her unless you are fond of her character. Moreover, with multiple options available for repositioners now, there’s no immediate need to unlock Mimori.

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2024-09-22 21:33