‘She Made The First Move’: Jack Black Reveals How He Felt After Wife Tanya Haden Asked Him Out

As a lifestyle expert with a keen eye for romantic narratives, I must say that Jack Black’s love story with Tanya Haden is nothing short of enchanting. The fact that it was Tanya who made the first move adds an exciting twist to their tale, reminding us all that sometimes, it pays off to be bold and take the initiative.

During an interview on Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast on August 5, Jack Black, aged 54, shared that it was Tanya Haden who initiated their romantic relationship. Reflecting back on their initial encounter at high school in Santa Monica, California, Black disclosed that they reconnected after many years. He was a fan of Tanya and her sisters, and in the past, they had even played music together.

Black shared his admiration for Haden and her sisters during their conversation, stating they’d been making music together since their school days. He explained that their paths occasionally crossed, with each having partners at different times. However, one day arrived when neither of them were in a serious relationship anymore.

They’d cross paths every now and then, yet they each had other commitments, which limited their interactions significantly. It wasn’t until a mutual friend’s surprise birthday party that they were both single, at which point things began to change. Black confessed he lacked the courage to initiate anything, but it was Haden who took the first step.

He’d always felt too timid to make a move himself, but she took the initiative instead, and that was the key moment, as he explained later on.

At the gathering, she approached Black, suggested they share a meal afterwards, and shared her contact details with him. Black expressed how thrilled he was at the prospect.

He recounted to Shepard that she approached him and asked, “‘Hey, have you ever thought about having dinner together? I think we should exchange numbers,'” which left him speechless, as if a heavenly light had shone down upon him because it was just the kind of situation he had always hoped for.

In October 2005, Jack Black and Tanya Haden started dating, and they got married in 2006, only a few months into their relationship. During an episode on the Armchair Expert podcast, Black shared that their relationship progressed quickly, with them immediately becoming exclusive and feeling as though they were making up for lost time. The couple is parents to Samuel (18) and Thomas (16).

Speaking about their quick choice to get married, Jack Black mentioned that he and Tanya Haden had conversations about having kids, yet didn’t view marriage as crucial. However, this perspective shifted following a conversation with his brother.

As someone who has always valued personal freedom and individuality, I can empathize with the speaker’s perspective. The act of marriage, while a significant milestone for many, is not something that everyone feels compelled to participate in. In my own life, I have encountered people who hold similar views, choosing to forge their own paths and define their relationships outside of traditional societal norms.

Black additionally noted that he couldn’t recall feeling romantic feelings towards Haden during high school, yet he believed the extensive period of their acquaintance created a solid base for their relationship. As he put it elsewhere in the podcast, “We didn’t date or engage in deep conversations, but I remember her and her siblings.” Since she’s a triplet, and I was drawn to the entire family. I just found them intriguing.”

The new Jack Black movie, titled Borderlands, is set to release on August 9.

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2024-08-07 11:23