Russian Engineer Dubbed “The Real Tony Stark” Spends 6 Years Building a Functional Iron Man Suit Complete with Personal Reactor!

As a long-time follower of Alex Burkan’s YouTube channel, I can confidently say that his journey is nothing short of inspiring. His relentless pursuit of engineering perfection, coupled with his resourcefulness and determination, truly embodies the spirit of Tony Stark.

As an ardent enthusiast, I’ve always dreamt of embodying the tech-savvy heroes like Iron Man or Batman, even though their abilities aren’t typically associated with ‘superpowers’. However, a Russian engineer has made a giant leap towards turning this fantasy into reality. By constructing his own suit, equipped with a personal hydrogen reactor, he’s brought us one step closer to witnessing real-life Iron Man in action!

On his YouTube channel, Alex Burkan, has devoted six years to a remarkable project that started from humble sketching. Now, it stands as a testament to engineering and technological prowess, having undergone a significant transformation over the years.

In 2018, our engineer kicked off his project under tight quarters and limited supplies, making do with a collection of leftover parts to bring his concept to life. Instead of a conventional energy source like an arc reactor, he’s been employing a hydrogen reactor to help advance the development of the suit.

To mimic the physical actions of Robert Downey Jr.’s character from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Alex Burkan devised a pneumatic sensing system to coordinate his movements with the suit. Additionally, he designed a plasma propulsion system for the jet thrusters and a laser-like cutting tool within the suit.

I put together multiple electrolyzers that break down water into hydrogen and oxygen, creating a high-octane fuel gas blend for the suit.

Later on, it struck me that an electrolyzer isn’t just a generator for fuel, but it can also serve as a versatile and potent compressor. This implies that it can be utilized to stimulate artificial muscles and various pneumatic devices.

As a passionate enthusiast, I found myself embarking on a journey to learn entirely fresh abilities to construct the suit. Not too long ago, I excitedly posted an update about reaching the optimal weight for the helmet – a significant milestone in my creative process!

For quite some time, I’ve been compelled to perfect the art of casting. For years, I’ve tried to steer clear of it due to its delicate and costly nature. However, it appears that this technique is essential if I want to achieve the required lightness for the helmet.

Consequently, these past few months have been devoted to gaining proficiency in novel technology. I’ve honed my skills on a 3D printer, created silicone molds, worked with composite shells, 2K plastics suitable for rotocasting, fiberglass, carbon, and Kevlar. However, what truly mattered was managing to reach the highly sought-after 700g mark!

Source: YouTube

To see every step of the journey, don’t forget to check out Burkan’s YouTube channel. Fans have been expressing great appreciation, and we’re optimistic about a live presentation in the near future!

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2024-10-21 13:44