Robert Pattinson Tells TWILIGHT Haters to Move On; ‘Are You Still Stuck on That S—?’

It’s a reasonable query to make. The first Twilight movie came out in 2008, astonishingly that was almost twenty years ago. Yet, it appears that the critics of Twilight haven’t quite let go, whether you consider them as the living or the undead sparkling vampires. Some persistent detractors of Twilight believe the movie tarnished the vampire genre, and they persistently remind Robert Pattinson, who portrayed Edward Cullen, of their disapproval. However, Pattinson has a clear message for those still dwelling on Twilight’s supposed ruin of vampires and their lives: move forward. And we wholeheartedly concur with this sentiment.

Vampires appear to be quite vulnerable if a single campy film series like “Twilight” can significantly impact their lore. If “Twilight” doesn’t appeal to you, we have an exceptionally intriguing alternative that you might want to consider avoiding. It would be pointless to bring it up with Robert Pattinson since he seems uninterested. When asked about the reactions to “Twilight”, Pattinson responded, “I find it amusing when people tell me, ‘Twilight ruined the vampire genre.’ Are you still dwelling on that? How can you be disheartened about something that happened nearly 20 years ago? It’s astonishing.

Previously, Robert Pattinson has been candid about his feelings towards the Twilight series, commenting on its unusual narrative such as, “To be honest, Twilight is quite a peculiar story. It’s intriguing how audiences reacted to it.” and “I felt there were certainly romantic aspects, but overall, I found the tale quite strange. During promotions, I openly admitted that I thought it was weird while working on it.” He has also admitted to having an unpleasant attitude during filming that came close to getting him dismissed from the set.


Robert Pattinson Almost Got Fired from TWILIGHT Over Emo Edward Cullen

Twenty years later, I find myself looking past my former grudge against Robert Pattinson’s association with the “Twilight” saga. It’s essential to acknowledge that labeling “Twilight” as a potential downfall for the entire vampire genre might unintentionally elevate its status. Let’s free ourselves from the allure of those glittery vamps and embrace them as an integral part of vampiric folklore instead.

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2025-01-24 21:02