Richard Simmons’ Team Shares Final Social Media Post He Planned Before His Death

As a lifestyle expert and someone who has followed Richard Simmons‘ career closely, I am deeply saddened by his passing. His influence on the fitness industry and the lives of millions of people cannot be overstated.

As a devoted follower and lifestyle expert, I’ve always admired the infectious love and positivity that Richard Simmons brought to so many lives. Sadly, last week, we lost this beloved fitness icon at the age of 76 in his Los Angeles home on July 13. In one final act of kindness, his team graciously shared a heartfelt message from Richard himself on social media as a parting gift to his fans.

Richard Simmons’ social media team shares his posthumous post

Richard Simmons’ team shared that he pays great attention to detail in crafting his social media posts and takes the time to carefully plan and edit them prior to publication to ensure perfection.

I’m a devoted member of team X, and I’d like to share an insight from our beloved colleague, Richard Simmons. On weekends, he’d carefully select and craft his Instagram posts by Friday. So, here’s the post Richard intended to share last Sunday – we thought you might find it interesting!

The post scheduled for July 14, one day after his passing, was what his team intended to share, believing it would deeply connect with his devoted fans. In the final image uploaded, there was a backdrop of a red, rocky terrain. Simmons donned a NASA space suit in this snapshot. He captioned the photo with the words, “Come join me for a lunar journey as we marvel at the stars together. With love, Richard.”

Richard Simmon’s team and brother post on his social media after his demise

Richard Simmons sadly died on the day following his 76th birthday celebration, with initial reports suggesting natural causes as the likely cause according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

Lenny Simmons, his brother, penned down a heartfelt message: “Dear All, I implore you not to mourn my brother’s passing. Instead, let us remember him for the genuine happiness and love he spread around. He genuinely cared for people, reaching out to thousands through calls, letters, and emails during his career to lend a helping hand. So let us celebrate his life!”

As he neared the end, Simmons expressed gratitude to those who had wished him a happy birthday. He mentioned that he hadn’t received many such messages throughout his life, and he spent a significant amount of time afterwards composing emails to thank each person. Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend ahead was his parting message.

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2024-07-21 13:24