As the fourth episode of season two in The Rings of Power unfolds, it presents a touching and profound scene that delves into thought-provoking themes. Characters such as the elf Arondir, an Ent, and an Entwife come together, offering each other forgiveness for past wrongs. A sense of tranquility settles amidst the ominous tone of the series as gentle rain showers grace them. This sequence is one of the most authentic to J.R.R. Tolkien’s work that the series has produced thus far. However, lurking behind this momentary respite, one might argue, is the looming darkness. In this case, the embodiment of darkness is The Rings of Power’s orcs, who have inflicted pain on both the Ents and Arondir in their past and present. This contrast between forgiveness and serenity with the presence of the orcs raises some of the most intricate questions that The Rings of Power has posed: Are the orcs worthy of healing? Can they find forgiveness? And is it just for them to experience peace?