The film titled “Red One” appears to be a bizarre imitation of a 30 Rock movie. The plot revolves around Chris Evans, who saves Christmas by guiding The Rock, Santa’s bodyguard, through a hidden mythological world to recover the kidnapped and incredibly muscular St. Nicholas, played by J.K. Simmons. Despite its trailers making it seem even more preposterous, Red One isn’t terrible, but it’s not good either. It’s merely average, a mediocre movie. If you watch it in the cinema, you might be disappointed, but watching it on a plane won’t be too bad. The question remains: how did a film with a skilled director, well-known Hollywood stars, and exhilarating scenes end up being “adequate” at best? This is because it lacks clarity about its intended audience. It’s a confusing blend of genres, an action-comedy Christmas movie that’s too crude for children but not amusing or mature enough for adults.