Wind Breaker Chapter 161: Release Date, Where To Read, Expected Plot And More

In the final chapter of Wind Breaker, Shishitoren became the focus of admiration during the festive gathering. Gangs from all around were intrigued and desired interaction with them. Meanwhile, Tomiyama was well-respected among Roppoichiza and Gravel’s leaders, but Kouta seized the moment to genuinely apologize to Hiiragi for harboring his self-centered grudges.

Here’s How Shaun White ‘Pranked’ Nina Dobrev Into Marrying Him; Inside Their Surprise Betrothal

Shaun White devised several strategies for proposing to Nina Dobrev; however, it turned out that the proposal he eventually made was actually a joke, making the unexpected betrothal all the more thrilling. Known for her role in The Vampire Diaries, Dobrev thought she was arranging a meeting with Anna Wintour when, in fact, White popped the question. Overwhelmed by joy, she later admitted that she had momentarily fainted during the proposal.