Notice Regarding Chain-Related Skill Effect Malfunction

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours logged into Brown Dust 2, I must say it’s always a bittersweet feeling when a game acknowledges and rectifies issues like this one. On one hand, it shows that the developers are attentive to their players and committed to providing the best gaming experience possible. On the other hand, it means I’ve been unknowingly playing with an imperfect version of Teresse for some time now!

📢 Notice Regarding Chain-Related Skill Effect Malfunction

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

I’m sorry for any inconvenience, but we need to bring your attention to a problem related to the chain effect in the “Beachside Angel Teresse” costume skill. We’ve found an inconsistency where the damage inflicted on targets when the chain count reaches 5 doesn’t increase as expected.

At present, the skill is misconfigured to boost damage solely for enemies with less than 5 links. We’ve recognized this problem and will be modifying it to ensure that the damage enhancement works correctly for enemies with 5 links or fewer (excluding those with 6 or more links), as suggested in the tooltip.

Furthermore, we’ve examined items in the Tower of Salvation that share similarities with the “Beachside Angel Teresse’s” ability. Our findings indicate that some relics affecting targets based on specific chain counts have been improperly set up. To rectify this issue, these relics will be amended to accurately deal damage to targets with 5 chains or fewer and those with 10 chains or more.

Additionally, our analysis indicates that the updated tooltip for “Esteemed Adventurer Eris”, revised on July 18th as part of an attempt to enhance readability, seems to have made the skill’s usage less clear. Consequently, we will restore the tooltip to its initial wording from when the costume was first launched.

We’re sorry to our players for any misunderstandings that arose from the tips provided alongside the released costumes, which were meant to explain their functions more clearly.

Our aim is to simplify and clarify the operation and capabilities of the costumes, ensuring an intuitive experience for every user.

The modifications mentioned will take place during the scheduled maintenance on August 22nd. For more information, please check the details provided.

[Fixes and Changes]

1) “Costume Adjustment for ‘Beachside Angel Terresse’ – Changed Effect: The effect will now apply to characters who have 5 chains or less”

2) Modification for Tower of Salvation Relic Operation – Error Correction

3) Reversion of “Esteemed Adventurer Eris” Skill Tooltip

※ The above changes will be applied during the maintenance on August 22nd.

Concerning the hold-up in tackling this problem as a result of our internal investigations and diagnosis, we’ve arranged some reimbursement for any inconvenience caused.

Solution for Chain-Related Issue Compensation Schedule: From August 16th, 10:30 am to August 22nd, 12:00 am (UTC)

Once more, we deeply apologize for any confusion arising from our chain problems, and we’re committed to ensuring such complications don’t disrupt your gaming experience in the days ahead.

We kindly ask for your generous understanding. 

Thank you.

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2024-08-16 14:07