LEGO’s Jamie Berard Talks LEGO Masters Creations and How the LEGO Love Just Keeps Growing

As a seasoned LEGO enthusiast with over 18 years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that the world of LEGO has expanded beyond what I could have ever imagined when I first started out. The evolution of this humble brick has been nothing short of remarkable, and it’s truly inspiring to see what people can create with a little imagination and a box full of colorful building blocks.

Hey there! It’s great to see you here. By the way, we’re big fans of LEGO Masters. Could you share with us some thoughts on what you found most thrilling during your involvement in this awesome competition?

Jamie Berard: It’s a delight for me to step away from Denmark, a wonderful country, my regular job, and join this fantastic group of creatively-minded individuals who dare to exhibit their LEGO-building passion on national television. Being among such inspiring people is enriching, and having the opportunity to guide them and offer suggestions only adds to the experience. Watching them bounce ideas off each other in the room creates a unique atmosphere that I am honored to be a part of.

“Just last year, I embarked on my initial LEGO building journey, an encounter that left me enchanted. Constructing it felt like a divine act of creation, offering a serene, soothing experience that was as calming as watching the sun set. Does the LEGO show have the same charm for you, where viewers can witness the creative process unfold and find tranquility in it, much like a session at Bake Off?”

Berard: Absolutely. It’s incredibly inspiring to witness how much creativity can emerge from a limited timeframe, without any prior knowledge or planning. It’s almost like magic, but it also instills a sense of hope. At home, you don’t necessarily need to create the largest or most impressive sculpture. Simple endeavors such as constructing something very tall or giving shape to an object without it collapsing can be just as rewarding. In fact, many families are attempting these challenges and personalizing them to their own liking. So, I believe it’s the variety of projects displayed that might spark a thought: ‘I never considered that, perhaps I could give it a try.’

So, what is the most exciting LEGO Masters challenge, in your opinion, or your favorite?

Some designs have left me utterly amazed, such as the fashion challenges where contestants created garments from materials like paper bricks, which is quite challenging. The fact that they managed to create stylish and artistic pieces out of it is truly incredible, especially considering these were from a few seasons ago. Furthermore, the handbags from last season were equally impressive, with their runway-worthy designs. It’s fascinating to see such artistic talent in action.

Instead, you get to witness Christopher and Robert creating something that left me doubting if they’d manage to complete it. For instance, the spiral elevator was an idea I wasn’t convinced would succeed. However, watching their imagination and bravery in action made it incredibly enjoyable. In the end, seeing everything come together and everyone celebrating their engineering skills and creativity filled me with a sense of triumph that can only be described as ‘high fives awesome’. This experience has taught me to be more optimistic and less skeptical about people’s abilities. Sometimes, they just need a bit of encouragement.

I believe the LEGO San Diego Comic-Con theme of adventure and enlightenment is perfectly embodied in this sentiment. When presented with the chance to go further, we naturally strive to reach that potential.

Berard is correct. When else would one get an opportunity like the contestants on LEGO Masters? They’re provided with 10 million LEGO bricks, surrounded by creative minds, and given extended hours to create something extraordinary. It’s a one-time shot; they don’t have the luxury of a rehearsal or multiple attempts. They’re completely immersed in the moment. I believe that if you ever want to feel truly alive, you will see these people in the room have experienced multiple lives at that moment because it’s so intense and filled with adrenaline.

It’s hard for me to envision otherwise, but I truly enjoy tackling unique ideas. Hearing your thoughts has me convinced that working together on a LEGO Fashion Challenge in collaboration with Project Runway could be an exciting endeavor.

Project Runway, get our number!

Is there any LEGO Masters challenge that you wish you could have participated in?

Gamer: You know, we’ve been chatting about this topic. Honestly, I’m all about the thrilling rollercoaster-like challenges – it’s my fondness for virtual theme parks that led me here in the first place. I even got hired for this gig because of my knack for designing amusement park attractions. But let’s be honest, it would feel a tad too enjoyable for me, and I might get carried away. However, the zany ones where those whimsical kids introduced the Taker-Waker with the Book Chicken a few seasons back are my favorites! It’s all about creating absurdities that no one has ever imagined before. It’s not about meeting expectations or sticking to a script; it’s our chance to be truly creative, silly, and imaginative. And who can resist that kind of fun?

For four fantastic seasons, LEGO Masters has been captivating audiences, and now we’re moving forward to season five! Can you share any hints or tidbits about what we might expect in this next chapter?

Assistant: That’s an interesting query! However, I can’t reveal too much because we’re gearing up for “Lego Masters: Celebrity Holiday Bricktacular”, which is one of my favorite seasons. It’s a continual delight to watch as a show, and we’ve got four more famous faces joining us.

What’s appealing about it is that it offers a fresh perspective on familiar builder characters, while also showcasing Will spending fun times with his closest friends. Essentially, it’s all about carefree vacation-style entertainment.

Of course! Let’s delve deeper into your LEGO story. Could you share with us your most beloved LEGO creation that enthusiasts might want to keep an eye out for?

Berard: The rollercoaster project is the one that stands out for me. It’s something I find myself returning to, and it holds a special place in my heart because it was a collaborative effort between my team. However, the thought of the LEGO Masters challenge version made me a bit anxious since it involved my aerospace engineer, architect, and other brilliant minds working together to bring it to fruition. Not only did I get to conceptualize it, but I also got to physically construct it, which makes me particularly proud.

Is there a LEGO set that you wish you could have helped create?

Berard: Absolutely, I’m referring to the Disney Castle specifically. I initiated the project in my region, and as discussions progressed, it eventually transitioned to the Disney team. I have a preliminary design for it. Initially, I felt envious of Marcos (Bessa), but I was thrilled with the final outcome. Of course, he did an exceptional job. However, this set was somewhat elusive, which is why I’m contemplating completing my own version to see how it would have turned out. This isn’t intended to undermine the existing one, but the Disney Castle is such an iconic piece that I found incredibly exciting to work on.

There’s always more incredible LEGO sets to discover, and I’m curious – is there a dream LEGO set that you wish you could design yourself?

I rarely respond to that question anymore since our dreams of accomplishing things thought to be impossible sometimes come true. For instance, I’d mention absurdities such as a miniature Titanic or a four-and-a-half-foot Eiffel Tower. In the past, I used to discuss intricate and massive projects like roller coasters. From the very beginning, I said we would build roller coasters, even without tracks or any other resources. Now, I consider myself an optimist, so if you can envision it, please share your ideas because there’s a good chance we can bring them to life.

Absolutely, that’s the essence of my thought. Not a task you believe is impossible, but one that stirs your ambition and aspirations!

Gamer: Absolutely! I’ve got a few concepts up my sleeve, but I’m holding onto them for now since I’m currently working on cultivating these ideas in our game models. It’s a lengthy process that involves nurturing and planning over a period of two to three years. For instance, I’ve been developing a new rollercoaster track, which required constructing an entirely new system and getting everyone aligned with the vision. So, while I do have some fascinating ideas brewing, you might already be familiar with some of my areas of interest…

As a gamer putting together my latest LEGO set, I bet there’s something fans might not realize about the behind-the-scenes process. What could that be?

As a proud representative of our company, I often find myself in the spotlight, but let me clarify that it’s not just me. The team effort behind every project is truly astounding! People tend to assume that I’m the one doing everything, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Our team is filled with incredibly talented individuals, each with unique skill sets that contribute immensely to our projects.

Additionally, there are individuals who deliberately construct subpar structures as a means to test various scenarios. For example, they might intentionally build in dim lighting or with one hand affected by arthritis, to see how users would navigate such conditions. If mistakes are made, they can quickly rectify them and improve the design, avoiding any awkward moments where people feel self-conscious about their errors. By anticipating potential issues in this way, we hope to ensure that everyone can complete the project smoothly, ultimately resulting in a final product that meets or exceeds their expectations.

Do you have a LEGO fun fact that you love?

Berard: An interesting tidbit that many may not know is our robotics set called LEGO Mindstorms. On a whim, before the show LEGO Masters even started, they asked me to be the voice of the LEGO Mindstorms robot because I made YouTube videos. I went in to record it, and they thought it worked well. They wanted me to do it again. However, I had a cold the next two times, so they couldn’t wait any longer. I recorded with a cold, and that became the voice of the Mindstorms robot.

How about this for a friendly encouragement: “If you’ve never dabbled in the LEGO universe before, here’s something to consider. Building a LEGO set can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s not just about following instructions; it’s about bringing your creativity and imagination to life. So, why not give it a try? I believe you’ll find it fun and fulfilling!”

Berard: I believe we’ve gathered enough items to keep people engaged, even if it’s just a tiny Minifigure. There’s something incredibly gratifying about connecting some legs with the torso and a hat, and then that character becomes someone they cherish. It could spark an accessory idea. They might construct a small vehicle; they could create a miniature environment for it. I think that’s something so basic, there’s no pressure associated with it. If you begin modestly, you might discover that, in fact, I have a bit of confidence that this isn’t as intimidating as it seems at first. Then, you can find another set to build upon.

To wrap things up, could you share your thoughts about the development of LEGO over the years since you’ve been involved, and perhaps any insights you have regarding its future direction?

Me: It’s truly amazing to witness ideas we once deemed impossible 18 years ago becoming the new norm. This realization has me brimming with optimism! We’re no longer questioning whether it can be done, but rather dreaming up incredible concepts. The things that were once thought unmarketable are now flying off shelves. It’s a testament to our expanding fan base and those who seek tranquility, disconnection, and the reassurance of a functioning world. This escape provides a refreshing break from reality, and I find myself inspired every day by this limitless potential, which fuels my enthusiasm for work each morning.

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2024-08-22 22:03