LEGO’s Jamie Berard Talks LEGO Masters Creations and How the LEGO Love Just Keeps Growing

As a child who has spent countless hours constructing, deconstructing, and playing with LEGO sets, I can wholeheartedly attest to their magic. The joy they bring is immeasurable, and the lessons they teach are priceless.

Hey there! Our team here at TopMob really enjoys LEGO Masters, and we’re thrilled that you’re a part of it. Could you share with us what you found to be the most thrilling aspect of your experience on this show?

As a gamer, stepping away from my usual routine in Denmark to join this vibrant community of creative LEGO enthusiasts feels like a dream come true. It’s not just about being around these brilliant minds; it’s about working alongside them, offering suggestions, and learning from the collective energy in the room. Being part of this unique experience is more than I could have ever asked for – it’s my chance to grow, learn, and contribute to something truly extraordinary.

Have you ever wondered if viewers perceive the LEGO building process in the same way one might view the Great British Baking Show? For me, constructing my first LEGO set approximately a year ago was more than just putting pieces together. It was an enchanting creative journey that offered a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

Berard: Absolutely. It’s incredibly inspiring to witness what people can create with minimal time, no prior knowledge, and no planning. To me, it feels almost like magic. Yet, it also instills a sense of optimism. At home, you don’t always need to produce the largest or most stunning artwork. Simple endeavors such as making something exceptionally tall or molding something that doesn’t collapse could be just as fulfilling. In fact, we often observe families participating in these challenges and adapting them to their unique circumstances. So, I believe the variety of creations showcased might spark an idea in you – maybe you’ll think, “I never considered that before. Perhaps I could give it a try.”

So, what is the most exciting LEGO Masters challenge, in your opinion, or your favorite?

Some designs have truly amazed me, such as the fashion challenges where contestants had to create garments from paper bricks or handbags. The creativity and artistry displayed in these challenges were remarkable. For instance, the handbags from last season could easily pass for runway-worthy pieces. It’s fascinating to see people exhibit their artistic talents and design skills. Additionally, I found the rollercoaster challenge particularly intriguing. Brent Benedetti, our challenge coordinator and producer, would warn that this challenge might cause a lot of stress if contestants were too ambitious and ran out of time.

However, it’s fascinating to witness Christopher and Robert’s creation, something I initially doubted if they could complete. The spiral elevator, for instance, was an unexpected delight. Witnessing their courage and daring to dive in headfirst was simply captivating. When everything ultimately came together and everyone celebrated their engineering and creative prowess, it was a moment of pure joy for me. This experience has taught me the importance of optimism and faith in people’s abilities. Sometimes, all they need is a bit of encouragement. And that, my friend, is incredibly inspiring.

The LEGO San Diego Comic-Con theme of delving into new realms and uncovering hidden truths seems perfectly suited to me. When presented with the chance to go further, I believe that one naturally rises to the occasion.

User: Indeed, that’s spot on. When else would you get an opportunity like the contestants on LEGO Masters have? They are provided with a whopping 10 million Lego bricks, surrounded by creative minds, and given extended hours to create something extraordinary – from 8 hours up to 12 hours. It’s essentially one shot at greatness; there’s no room for rehearsals or do-overs. The intensity and focus of these individuals are so palpable that it feels as though they have lived multiple lives, given the surge of adrenaline coursing through them. If you ever want to experience a heightened sense of aliveness, witnessing these people at work is a must.

It’s hard for me to picture anything else. I thrive on creative challenges. After hearing your ideas, I strongly believe that you should team up with Project Runway for a joint LEGO Fashion Challenge.

Project Runway, get our number!

Is there any LEGO Masters challenge that you wish you could have participated in?

Berard: Amy (Corbett) and I had discussed the topic earlier on. You see, I’m quite fond of rollercoasters due to my passion for theme parks. This enthusiasm led me to join the LEGO company. My unique skill in creating amusement park rides made me a valuable addition. However, it would seem a tad too enjoyable for my taste. Yet, I can’t resist the thrill of the outrageous rides like the Taker-Waker that appeared a few seasons ago, featuring the Book Chicken. I adore these because they offer an opportunity to create unseen, absurd, and imaginative concepts. And what could possibly go wrong with such creative freedom?

So far, LEGO Masters has aired four fantastic seasons, and now we’re gearing up for season five. Can you give us any hints or sneak peeks about what we might expect in this new installment?

Berard: That’s an interesting inquiry! I can’t reveal too much due to our upcoming event, “Lego Masters: Celebrity Holiday Bricktacular,” which is one of my favorite seasons. It’s a continual joy as a show, and we have four more fantastic celebrities joining us.

One aspect that appeals to me is the unique perspective we gain on familiar builders, revealing hidden sides. Additionally, it’s delightful to watch Will spending carefree time with his closest friends, which feels like unadulterated fun and leisure.

Of course! Let’s delve deeper into your LEGO experiences. By chance, do you have a preferred LEGO design that you’ve created which fans might enjoy discovering?

As a gamer, let me tell you, the rollercoaster creation was an exhilarating challenge! It wasn’t just about personal satisfaction, but also about uniting my aerospace engineer, architect, and other brilliant minds to breathe life into this masterpiece. The LEGO Masters challenge was nerve-wracking because I knew the stakes were high. But once we got our hands on that rollercoaster LEGO set, it became more than just a build; it was a team effort! And to top it off, I had the chance to physically construct this marvel, which makes me incredibly proud of what we achieved together.

Is there a LEGO set that you wish you could have helped create?

Berard: Indeed, I’m referring to none other than the Disney Castle. It was my initial idea, and the project originated in my region. As time passed, it transformed during discussions, eventually finding its way into the hands of the Disney team. I have an early draft of this design. Initially, I felt a pang of envy towards Marcos (Bessa), but I’m thrilled with the final outcome. He truly excelled in his work. However, it’s one of those sets that seemed just beyond my grasp. Now, I’m contemplating completing my own version, simply out of curiosity to see how it might have turned out. I wouldn’t dream of replacing the existing one; it’s merely the iconic status of the Disney Castle that has me so eager to work on it.

There’s always room for more fantastic LEGO sets to explore! Is there a dream LEGO creation that you long to build yourself?

I seldom respond to that question anymore, as dreams about accomplishing the seemingly impossible often become possible. For instance, I might have joked about constructing a Titanic-sized ship or an Eiffel Tower just over four feet tall. Initially, I would discuss elaborate and intricate structures like roller coasters. On day one, we didn’t even have the tracks, but eventually, we built those roller coasters. So, I’m an optimist by nature, and my advice is to share your dreams with us because there’s a good chance we can bring them to life.

Indeed, that’s my precise thought. Not a task you believe is beyond your capabilities, but rather an aspiration that you yearn to accomplish!

Berard: Indeed, I do possess several ideas. However, I’m holding onto them at the moment since I’m in the process of cultivating these concepts on a few of our projects. These ideas can require up to two or three years of preparation and planning, like the rollercoaster track that necessitated constructing an entirely new system and gaining everyone’s support. So, while I do have some fantastic ideas, you may have already caught wind of my areas of interest…

How about this as a possible rephrase for the given sentence: “Can you tell me something that fans might not know about the process of making a LEGO set?” or “What’s a secret or detail about building a LEGO set that fans might be unaware of?”

Berard: Fans may not fully appreciate the teamwork behind our projects. Often, I feel fortunate to serve as the company’s representative, but people tend to credit me for everything. They don’t see other talented individuals who contribute significantly. For instance, some of our designers are frequently featured in videos or photos, but we have a wide range of experts with unique skill sets. We have specialists who excel at understanding four-year-olds, five-year-olds, and six-year-olds, ensuring that our designs cater to these age groups effectively. They provide valuable input during the design process, helping to ensure that the final product is not only visually appealing but also practical for children to assemble, play with, and disassemble. In essence, they contribute by considering the designs from a child’s perspective.

Additionally, there are individuals who construct projects in a purposely haphazard manner as part of an experiment. For example, they might build something clumsily or distractedly to observe if someone is home under dim lighting, has hand arthritis, or similar conditions. By doing so, they can say, “oops, I made a mistake,” and then improve the project, thus eliminating awkward pauses or instances where individuals feel self-conscious about potential errors. Our aim is to anticipate these situations and, when we succeed, everyone will reach the end of their respective projects, regardless of complexity, with joy.

Do you have a LEGO fun fact that you love?

Berard: Here’s an interesting tidbit: We have a robotics set called LEGO Mindstorms. Surprisingly, before the show LEGO Masters even started, they randomly asked me to be the voice of their Mindstorms robot since I made YouTube videos. I went in to record it, and they liked it so much that they asked me to do it again. Unfortunately, I had a cold at the time, but they didn’t have any more recording sessions left, so I recorded it anyway. To my surprise, they decided that was the voice they wanted for Mindstorms robot.

How about this for a friendly suggestion to someone new to LEGO building: “Why not give the fascinating LEGO world a try? It’s an enjoyable and rewarding experience that allows you to bring your imagination to life, one brick at a time!”

Berard: I believe we offer a variety of items that could catch someone’s interest, even if it’s just a tiny figurine. There’s something quite fulfilling about assembling limbs with the torso and a headpiece, turning this simple figure into a character they cherish. This could spark additional ideas, such as constructing a small vehicle or setting up a scene for it. I think this is a straightforward activity that doesn’t require much anticipation. If you begin with something manageable, you might discover that you have the courage to tackle more complex projects. Then, you can find another set to expand upon.

Lastly, could you share your thoughts on how LEGO has changed throughout your tenure, and what future advancements or trends might we expect in this field?

Berard: It’s amazing to see how ideas we once thought unimaginable 18 years ago have now become commonplace. This realization fills me with optimism. I find myself marveling at the human potential, as we can envision not just the feasibility of tasks, but also fantastical, delightful concepts. It’s incredible to witness products we never thought would gain traction, yet they do so spectacularly. Our audience has expanded significantly, encompassing those who appreciate the Zen moment, disconnection, and that sense of everything functioning smoothly in the world. This provides a welcome escape, and I am continually inspired by it all. In essence, anything seems achievable, and this thought energizes me each day to approach my work with enthusiasm.

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2024-08-22 00:34