Kim Kardashian Reveals What Changes She’d Make To Her Parenting Style

As a dedicated follower of the Kardashian clan, I’ve always been intrigued by their lives and experiences, especially that of Kim Kardashian. Her recent confession about her parenting approach on The Kardashians resonated deeply with me, not just as a fan, but as a fellow parent who can relate to the challenges she faces.

Television personality and entrepreneur Kim Kardashian has been candid regarding her journey as a mother, particularly following her highly publicized separation from Kanye West. In a more recent installment of The Kardashians, she disclosed some unexpected aspects of her parenting methods and the adjustments she wishes she could have implemented.

In the most recent installment of The Kardashians TV series, Kim opened up about her parenting style in comparison to her sisters Kourtney and Khloé. She started by expressing some regrets and explaining that, given another chance, she would handle certain situations differently. As a mother to four kids, Kim has faced various hardships.

“Kim praised Kourtney, saying, ‘As a mother of four, she truly enjoys it.’ She thinks Kourtney’s approach to parenthood is simply wonderful.”

In the discussion, Kim openly acknowledged that there are times when she wishes she could begin parenting anew, expressing feelings like “I wish I could do it all over again.” Specifically, she would focus on establishing stricter guidelines and limits right from the start. It’s not about being overly restrictive regarding their diets or routines, but rather enforcing clear boundaries earlier in their upbringing.

In the conversation, it appeared to Khloé that Kim was referring to stricter diet plans at first. However, Kim clarified that she was discussing establishing firmer guidelines and limits for her children instead. Khloé then supported Kim, expressing faith that Kim could adjust her parenting approach if desired. This encouragement boosted Kim’s spirits, making her more optimistic about implementing changes.

During a personal reflection on the program, Khloé pondered over the unique approaches they each take in raising their children. In her private commentary, she expressed, “My sisters and I manage our households differently when it comes to child-rearing. I don’t pass judgment if everyone is content, healthy, and thriving. However, my style of parenting involves sticking to a routine.”

Kim has been transparent about the difficulties she encounters as a mother. Previously in the season, she divulged her struggles during an interview, saying, “I can’t seem to be extremely firm. Neither of my parents were strict. Khloé handles being stricter much better. I wish I had that trait, but it’s just too much for me sometimes. It’s all a bit overwhelming. How do I manage everything?”

Beyond discussing The Kardashians, Kim also opened up about her parenting struggles in various forums. On Jay Shetty’s podcast titled “On Purpose,” Kim candidly spoke about parenthood as a complex blend of hardship and fulfillment. She expressed that parenting has been the greatest teacher for her, revealing deep insights about herself. It has also been her most arduous task, causing moments of despair where she questions, “What just happened?” in the face of the children’s moods and personalities.

In addition to sharing her methods for handling disputes among her kids, Kim admitted she often needs to balance being understanding and firm as a parent. She acknowledged the hardships of motherhood, yet highlighted its rich rewards by stating, ” frankly, there are nights when you go without washing your hair for days as a mom, and you’re covered in spit-up, wearing the same pajamas. It’s undeniably tough, but it’s also one of the most fulfilling jobs out there.”

Kim is dedicated to maintaining transparency and truthfulness towards her children, choosing to address all topics suitable for their age level. As she puts it, “I’ll discuss anything they wish to inquire about… I strive to be as open and honest as possible with my kids, considering it the only way to be.”

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2024-08-06 21:23