How To Easily Catch Grand Escunite in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Learn all about the Grand Escunite area in Monster Hunter Wilds, including tips on catching the elusive Endemic Life creatures that inhabit this region.

This way, the information is presented more concisely and with a focus on actionable advice for capturing rare species. The use of “Follow up” as the opening word may be less clear to some readers, so I’ve replaced it with “Learn all about.” Additionally, “Everything you need to know” has been broken down into two parts: information about the Grand Escunite area and tips for catching Endemic Life creatures. Finally, “how you can easily capture” has been simplified to “tips on catching,” making the language more natural and easy to read.

In any mainline Monster Hunter game, the mini-games focused on fishing have consistently been some of the toughest side activities. This is no different in Monster Hunter Rise, where you must accomplish various fishing tasks to finish a series of Side Missions.

The fishing mini-games have historically presented one of the trickiest types of side content within mainline Monster Hunter games. This remains consistent in Monster Hunter Rise, as you’ll need to conquer a sequence of challenges related to fishing to wrap up a set of Side Quests.

As you advance in the main tale of High Rank, you’ll eventually come across Kanya in Scarlet Forest, who has an infectious passion for fishing. Interacting with her opens up Fishing Side Missions, which involve catching different types of marine life scattered across the Forbidden Lands. Towards the conclusion of Kanya’s storyline, she will request the Hunter to catch a Grand Escunite.

In line with the fishing missions found in Monster Hunter games, the Grand Escunite is an exceptionally uncommon Aquatic Lifeform. It only emerges during particular weather scenarios and in a restricted set of locations. Here’s a guide on how to catch the elusive Grand Escunite to fulfill Kanya’s quest in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Where To Find the Grand Escunite in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Catching the Great Escunite is a part of the lively and exciting side mission named Razzle Dazzle, which concludes Kanya’s main questline. Unlike the Gravid Bowfin or Golden Fish, the Great Escunite resides within the Scarlet Forest itself. Yet, it only manifests during heavy rainstorms.

To make the Grand Escunite show up, adjust the weather to a state called “Inclemency” and choose either morning or daytime hours. Interestingly, it can manifest during nighttime as well, but tracking it in the dark can prove challenging. The Grand Escunite is known to inhabit vast water bodies, where you may also find creatures like Whoppers and Speartunas.

Instead of ordinary Escunites, Grand Escunites exhibit an ethereal, light-blue radiance. This luminescence is noticeable even in intense rainstorms. The blue hue corresponds to their sensitive feelers, a characteristic that must be recognized prior to capture.

Best Location To Find the Grand Escunite

The Grand Escunite can be discovered in two primary spots. One of these locations is a lake near what’s known as Area 16. Interestingly, Uth Duna often resides here. This specific area offers the optimal conditions for gathering both common Escunites and Whoppers.

You might encounter Grand Escunites here as well, though they’re not common. The ideal spot to find these elusive creatures is near Area 13. To get there from Wudwud’s Hideout, leave the hideout and head northwest towards the edge of a lake. Follow the shore until you reach a waterfall – that’s typically where Grand Escunites can be found, frequently in groups.

How To Capture the Grand Escunite?

After finding the Grand Escunite, first, grab your Fishing Rod and select the Tentacle Jig as your bait (Press and hold R1 then use Triangle to cycle through the options). You’ll notice the feelers of the Grand Escunite by their distinctive blue color. Position the bait near these feelers. Next, quickly move the left stick up and down to lure the Escunite. Once it bites on the bait, hit R2 to reel it in and capture it successfully.

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2025-03-10 09:10