Gemini’s Historic $2.18B Return: Earn Users Receive 97% of Their Assets In-Kind and Will Get Other 3% Within 12 Months

As an analyst with a background in the financial sector and extensive experience in the cryptocurrency market, I find this recovery by Gemini Earn to be a remarkable development, not just within the crypto space but also in the context of traditional financial bankruptcies. The fact that users have received 97% of their digital assets back, exceeding the initial amount when withdrawals were halted, is an unprecedented achievement.

On May 29, 2024, the Gemini exchange, established by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, announced a major advancement for its Earn program participants. As stated in a company blog post, over $2.18 billion in digital assets were distributed to users of this program. This recovery, which equates to 97% of the owed digital assets, signifies an important milestone following Genesis’ bankruptcy.

Significant Recovery Details

The announcement from Gemini outlined several key points:

  • 97% Recovery: Users in the Earn program received 97% of their digital assets.
  • $1 Billion Increase: The total recovered assets exceeded the initial amount by $1 billion when Genesis halted withdrawals.
  • 232% Recovery Rate: The recovery rate stood at 232%, compared to the value when withdrawals were halted by Genesis.

The valuation of these digital assets is based on their prices as of 28 May 2024, at 10 am ET.

Unprecedented Recovery

The Winklevoss brothers, Tyler and Cameron, described this turnaround as extraordinary, going beyond the cryptocurrency industry’s history and even surpassing typical financial bankruptcy recoveries. Previously, they announced a settlement with Genesis and other related parties involved in the Genesis bankruptcy case. As a result, all Earn users are assured of getting their digital assets back in full.

If a user gave Earn one Bitcoin as part of its program, they will receive an identical Bitcoin back, with any value increase taken into account since the loan was made. Gemini’s investment of $50 million signifies their active role in helping users recover their losses.

Future Steps and Outlook

Approximately 97% of the assets in the Earn program are allocated through the initial distributions. The remaining balances, which make up around 3%, are anticipated to be distributed to users over the course of the next twelve months.

The Winklevoss twins acknowledged the hurdles and setbacks in the recovery process and expressed appreciation for the users’ understanding. They stressed that the Genesis bankruptcy was primarily caused by conventional financial deceit and a lack of regulatory guidance, rather than inherent problems within the cryptocurrency industry.

Broader Implications

The declaration highlighted the dedication of Gemini to promoting transparent rules and safeguarding consumers in the cryptocurrency sector. According to the Winklevoss twins, they remain determined to advance regulatory clarity to encourage progress and shield consumers.

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2024-05-30 08:20