Shogakukan has announced that a unique edition of the 14th installment of the manga “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End,” penned by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe, will incorporate a 24-page short story named ‘Sora ni Hana wo Sakaseru Mahō’ (Magic to Make Flowers Bloom in the Sky). This volume is slated for release on March 18, 2025, exclusively in Japan.
The novella was penned by Mei Hachimoku, recognized for her works such as ‘The Tunnel to Summer, the End of Goodbye’ and also the author of the prequel novel “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End the Novel ~Prelude~” (also known as “Shōsetsu Sōsō no Frieren ~Zensō~”). Kanehito Yamada, the mastermind behind the manga, oversaw the story to make sure it stayed true to the main plotline.
In this exclusive version, you’ll find a hardcover book that emulates the texture of an ancient grimoire, accompanied by three stunning, original illustrations courtesy of Tsukasa Abe, the manga’s artist. These additional features transform this edition into a valuable collectible for avid readers who appreciate intricate world-building and artistry.
The novel “Shōsetsu Sōsō no Frieren ~Zensō~” offers five distinct tales not present in the primary comic. It was initially published in April 2024 and has since provided a richer experience to fans by delving deeper into the series, exploring additional events that enhance the overall narrative.
Yamada and Abe initiated their work on “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” in April 2020, which was published in the “Weekly Shonen Sunday” by Shogakukan. The manga rapidly garnered a fanbase, as its magical chapters captivated readers and pulled them into its enchanting universe.
In September 2023, the animated version of “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” made its debut with a special two-hour premiere episode. The show has been positively received, and there are plans for a subsequent season in the future. This transition into animation has allowed the story to reach an even wider range of viewers, thereby boosting its popularity.
In the midst of numerous thrilling advancements, the series “Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End” remains enthralling to both book lovers and spectators, providing fresh material that adds depth to the narrative and enhances the overall enjoyment.
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2025-01-18 16:13