In May 2025, Marvel Comics is debuting a fresh ‘Star Wars‘ series titled, “Post-Jedi Chronicles.” Penned by Alex Segura and brought to life through the art of Phil Noto, this new comic finds our beloved characters – Luke, Leia, and Han – grappling with novel predicaments amidst an enigmatic and perilous galaxy.
The narrative will delve into Luke’s efforts to revive the Jedi Order, along with the evolving relationship between Leia and Han, culminating in the arrival of Kylo Ren. This is the start of a new phase in the Star Wars universe, with further tales unfolding later this year.
1. Luke Skywalker is tasked with safeguarding the New Republic against a group of mercenaries!
2. Han Solo delves into an ominous underground enigma.
3. Leia Organa confronts a fresh alliance that poses a threat to the aims of the New Republic.
Alex Segura, creator of the forthcoming ‘Star Wars’ series, revealed that the narrative will delve into an exhilarating new epoch following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War at the Battle of Jakku. This era promises to be brimming with novel perils and enigmas.
He assured that the stories would be filled with thrilling actions, recognizable yet unexpected instances, and welcoming starting points for novice readers. Segura showed enthusiasm about the course the series would take and the unique turns it would introduce within the ‘Star Wars’ galaxy.
Having concluded the Galactic Civil War following the Battle of Jakku, we’re now ready to accelerate into an unexplored epoch, filled with fresh galactic dangers, adversaries, and enigmas for our cherished heroes to confront. This new phase will seamlessly interweave the familiar with the unexpected and awe-inspiring.
These tales are brimming with thrilling actions and heartfelt character interactions that Star Wars enthusiasts have grown accustomed to, incorporating unique turns in the galaxy and scenery we’re familiar with, ensuring newcomers can join effortlessly. We’re excitedly looking forward!
Check out Phil Noto’s main cover, along with a variant cover by Leinil Francis Yu:
The issue drops on May 7th.
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2025-01-23 22:14