Eric Roberts Comments On His Parenting Skills While Raising Daughter Emma Roberts in His Memoir; See Here

As an ardent fan who has followed Eric Roberts‘ rollercoaster ride of a life, I find his memoir, Runaway Train, to be as captivating and unpredictable as one of his action-packed films. The raw honesty with which he recounts his parenting journey with his daughter Emma Roberts is both heartbreaking and inspiring.

In his recently published autobiography, Eric Roberts discusses his approach to parenting and recounts the methods he used to raise his daughter Emma Roberts. The actor explains how he balanced being present for Emma during her childhood years, while simultaneously leaving his former partner, Kelly Cunningham.

In the passages from the book, The Dark Knight star explained, “I left Kelly when Emma was only seven months old.” He also shared, “We faced many challenges, and during those tough times, Kelly witnessed me at my lowest points. Still, she persevered for a while, though I’m certain she wondered if she should stay. We both desired a child, perhaps I yearned for it more than her, but we both aspired to be parents.

Additionally, the actor articulated his genuine emotions from 33 years ago about his newfound role as a father. He expressed that experiencing fatherhood at a young age brought him immense excitement. Similarly, Roberts noted that the pregnancy phase was exhilarating, and the moment he first saw Emma was equally captivating.

Nevertheless, the actor asserted that while he was thrilled to join the ranks of fathers, he felt that parenthood wasn’t necessarily his destiny. This sentiment is reflected in his memoir where he confessed, “I adored my little daughter with the intensity of Hercules, yet I grappled with my own shortcomings.

He went on to admit, “Unfortunately, I found it difficult to face the responsibilities of having a baby in my life, and I wasn’t ready for parenthood! To this day, I’m not a father figure. Contrarily, Emma has always understood that role – now an adult and a mother herself. She embodies that role in her first child, Rhodes.

In the following sections of the book, Roberts admitted that his inability to fully function as a father might stem from his drug addiction. He openly acknowledged that the most significant repercussion of his drug use was losing his daughter. The actor also confessed that he was still under the influence of drugs during the time of his daughter’s birth.

In addition, the actor provided clarity regarding the disputes surrounding child custody during his separation from Kelly Cunningham. He also mentioned that actress Julia Roberts, who is his sister, played a significant role in helping him win the case. The actor of Star 80 wrote, “There has been much speculation about whether Julia and I had a major disagreement over Emma’s custody. I would like to put this matter to rest.

He continued by stating, “I’ve always felt that I wasn’t the one who should have had the physical care of Emma; not even if given a billion chances. It was clear to both parties. Kelly never insinuated that I sought physical custody of Emma, which means Julia didn’t take her side in any custody dispute. In truth, there was no such dispute. I’m glad we’re clearing this up today.

Eric Roberts’ autobiography, “Runaway Train: A Tale of My Lived Experiences,” can be found on shelves at your local bookstore, ready for you to buy.

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2024-09-21 23:07