Did You Know that Disney+ Automatically Collects Nielsen Data for You? But You Can Turn It Off…

As a long-time fan of Disney and a subscriber to their streaming service, I have been following the debate around the accuracy of Nielsen ratings for Disney+ with great interest. While it is true that many fans are not too satisfied with the service, I believe that the controversy surrounding the use of Nielsen data is largely unfounded.

1. One significant player in the streaming market is Disney+’, which represents Disney’s official online streaming platform. Although Netflix dominates this sector, Disney+ holds its ground alongside its major competitors, including HBO Max and Amazon Prime Video. However, despite boasting a vast library and an abundance of original content, many viewers find themselves less than fully satisfied with the service offered by Disney+.

As a devoted Disney fan, I’ve noticed a growing unease among our community regarding recent projects released through Disney+. It seems that many of us share the sentiment that Disney has prioritized messages over stories, which doesn’t sit well with us. However, it’s important to remember that evaluating the success of a Disney+ project can be subjective and complicated due to the vast amount of conflicting information online. Nevertheless, Nielsen Ratings provide valuable insights into audience engagement and viewing habits, making them an essential tool for gauging the popularity of these productions.

As someone who has worked in the media industry for years, I’ve heard countless debates about the relevance of Nielsen ratings. Many people believe that they are outdated and incomplete. But based on my personal experience and recent news reports, I’d like to challenge that perspective.

From my personal experience, when I visit my Disney+ account settings, I came across an option labeled “Manage Nielsen Measurement.” By default, this feature is activated in my account. However, if I prefer to deactivate it, I can do so by clicking on it. A notification pops up before the change explaining that this tool collects data about my viewing habits to improve Disney+ services.

When you use Disney+ to stream content, Nielsen’s measuring software like Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) might be employed. This software is used on various devices such as streaming media players, smart TVs, Chromecast, Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, and mobile apps (collectively referred to as “Living Room Devices” and mobile apps). The Nielsen DAR tool helps Nielsen assess the effectiveness of ad campaigns for our registered users. If you prefer not to participate in this measurement on Living Room Devices and mobile apps, please deselect the box below. For additional details about other Nielsen measurement tools available on Disney+ and your opt-out options, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Participate in Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR)

1. Upon a closer inspection, you’ll notice a link pointing towards Disney+ privacy policy. In the “Your Controls and Choices” section of this policy, you can find an option to limit your participation in Nielsen digital measurement research (this applies only if you are not already a panelist). Clicking on that link will guide you to Nielsen’s own privacy policy, where you can learn more details, including the fact that they disclose information such as…

1. Nielsen utilizes its exclusive software and tools for delivering digital assessment services, which gauge and analyze consumer interactions with media encompassing online, mobile, and innovative technologies. These insights empower Nielsen to share research findings about consumer habits. The privacy practices outlined in this Statement are implemented by Nielsen’s global companies offering digital measurement services.

Source: Nielsen

1. This statement doesn’t suggest any harm or unauthorized data access, but it hints that Nielsen’s data might be more accurate than some people perceive. We can’t say for sure how many individuals have this feature turned off in their accounts, so we can’t give you an exact answer about the accuracy of Nielsen’s data. However, we believe that Nielsen’s numbers are crucial when it comes to Disney+ projects.

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2024-07-30 14:46