Costume Guide – Sword Queen Sylvia

As a seasoned veteran of the Brown Dust battlefields, I must say that Sword Queen Sylvia has truly captured my heart and attention. With her formidable attack power at +5, she’s a force to be reckoned with, especially when paired with the mighty Admiral Sylvia. Her ability to dish out an impressive 600% physical water damage, including chain damage, is nothing short of breathtaking!

Official Patch Notes

Exclusive Weapon
Base stats (Lv 100) Max stats (after engraving and awakening)


Very low cost of 1 SP cost at all levels, great for PVP attack

ATK buff is long lasting (up to 6 turns)

The Energy Guard character complements Admiral’s outfit exceptionally well (as Energy Guard is derived from ATK), and there is a good match with Desert Flower, as it enhances the counterattack strength.

Weak against Lecliss and Zenith in PVP

Glass cannon (low base HP)

Utility drops significantly if you don’t have her Admiral costume

Significant power boost locked behind the +5 costume level

Sylvia for PVE

On her own, SQ.Sylvia is good, but not all that impressive for PVE.

With an enhancement to her Attack Power (ATK), SQ.Sylvia inflicts a substantial damage of approximately 552% (including chain damage) when at level +5, and 658% at maximum potential +5. Initially, this seems quite high, but if you pair her with other ATK boosters like Arines or H.Lathel, the effectiveness of her skill diminishes slightly as multiple buffs of the same kind don’t scale well together. For further details on scaling, please refer to our FAQs.

Sylvia’s range is quite limited, making her less effective for mass combat in PVE scenarios. Alone, she struggles with activities like fiend hunts and guild raids, as these situations benefit from area-of-effect (AOE) damage that covers a wider span.

Sylvia, specifically the Support version (SQ.Sylvia), excels in Player vs Environment (PVE) scenarios as an initial attack combo for Admiral Sylvia. At its maximum level (+5), Admiral Sylvia deals 600% damage (5×100%) including chain effects. Since SQ.Sylvia’s buff lasts for 6 turns, the 200% Attack boost gives a significant increase in damage output for Admiral Sylvia.

SQ.Sylvia into Admiral Sylvia makes the strongest physical water attack available in the game. Sylvia is unquestionably the best physical water type attacker. The only other physical type water 5-star characters so far are Teresse and Rafina. Teresse is mainly a supporter with no good offensive skills. Rafina has higher damage multipliers on her skills, but Rafina comes nowhere near Sylvia’s damage because Rafina’s base ATK is measly 220, whereas Sylvia’s is 352 (i.e. Rafina’s base attack is only around 60% of Sylvia’s base attack).

Sylvia for PVP

Sylvia is one of the rare attacking abilities that only costs 1 SP (Skill Point). In Player vs Player battles, having such a potent attack for just 1 SP is an incredible asset to an opening attacker on a team. If Sylvia survives past the initial turn, her Turn 3 Admiral attack becomes remarkably powerful after receiving boosts from SQ. The boost from SQ increases Sylvia’s ATK, making her incredibly durable due to Admiral’s energy shield (which strengthens based on Sylvia’s ATK). On Turn 5, Sylvia can activate Desert Flower. When empowered by triple buffs from SQ.Sylvia’s attack boost, Admiral’s Energy Guard, and Desert Flower’s damage reduction and counterattack, Sylvia becomes extremely formidable and has the potential to effortlessly defeat unsuspecting opponents. This 3-costume cycle transforms Sylvia into a highly intimidating character in PVP.

While Sylvia possesses several admirable qualities, she also encounters challenges in the current competitive PVP scene due to certain weaknesses. Specifically, her water-type nature creates difficulties when facing off against Zenith and Lecliss, two extensively used wind-type tanks. Both of these characters are typically equipped with high DEF, making them particularly tough opponents for Sylvia.


Sword Queen Sylvia is a great pull for any players who have already invested in Admiral Sylvia and want to complete the combo. When combined with Admiral, she makes a very powerful choice for both PVE and PVP. If you don’t have the Admiral costume at high level though, then the utility of Sword Queen drops a lot.

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2024-09-22 13:37