Costume Guide – Beach Vacation Morpeah

Persona of Worship Persona of Slander

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in the world of Brown Dust, I must say that Morphea is truly a game-changer in the PVP scene. With her unique ability to summon reinforcements, she’s like a phoenix rising from the ashes, adding an unexpected twist to the battlefield.

Official Patch Notes


Morphea, the character in this game, is the first one capable of summoning abilities. These summons enable her to unleash two powerful attacks each turn, dealing a substantial amount of damage.

In this game, Morphea follows Granhildr as the second character who possesses a proactive ability, often referred to as preemptive skills. These abilities are particularly potent when it comes to defending in Player versus Player combat scenarios.

Self-destruct attacks cannot be evaded.

No need to be afraid of being countered when attacking with summoned units.

Summoned units have a versatile knockback kit for repositioning enemy mobs.

High skill cost (5 SP per turn)

As a fan, I find it challenging to manage the placement of my summoned allies during PvP and Fiend Hunts, sometimes leading me into less than ideal formations that aren’t necessarily advantageous for my strategy.

– With only a few exceptions, such as using the preemptive skill on Turn 1, newly summoned units will not be able to attack during the turn they appear.

What does Morphea actually do?

Morphea presents an entirely novel gameplay feature called Allied Zone Summoning. Here’s a simplified explanation of its functionality.

Where are the summoned units created?

In simpler terms, Morphea’s ability brings forth two units, and these units are always positioned first at the very top left corner of the field. If Morphea has already occupied the topmost left space, the next summoned unit will be placed in the topmost right space, and so on. For instance, in the image provided, the initial summoned unit was placed in the top-left, as Morphea was already occupying the top-middle position. Consequently, the second summoned unit was positioned in the top-right spot.

What do the summoned units do?

For every summoned creature, their attributes match those of Morphea. Yet, any short-term enhancements or penalties bestowed upon Morphea won’t transfer to the summoned creatures.

Summoned units function similarly to regular allies, allowing them to execute skill attacks, standard attacks, or even knockback moves. The skill attack acts as a self-destruct move, such as Wiggle, and doesn’t require any SP. The first summoned unit, Worship, detonates in a 1×3 horizontal area of effect, while the second unit, Slander, explodes in a 3×1 vertical AOE. As Morphea levels up, the self-destruct damage intensifies, reaching a multiplier of 700% at +5.

Using the summoned units

In PVE battles, when you select the “Preemptive” feature at the start of a round, the summoned units will materialize right away. These summoned units behave similarly to your regular allies. You can move them around on the battlefield, adjust their attack sequence, and decide which ability they should employ. To ensure these units survive enemy attacks, you can opt for normal attacks or knockbacks rather than triggering self-destruct skills.

Note 1: When you don’t employ the preemptive skill at the start (Turn 1), summoned units won’t be able to attack during their creation turn, such as on Turn 3 after activating Morphea’s skill. Instead, they can only attack or use skills from the following turn, like Turn 5. They will not self-destruct instantaneously on Turn 3.

Note 2: When you use Morphea’s ability, additional summoned units will be added to those already on the field, rather than replacing them. With Morphea, you could potentially amass a vast army of summons!

Morphea for PVE

Morphea is a fantastic unit for general PVE battles.

Initially, she possesses a tremendous amount of offensive power. The combined damage of her summons equates to an astounding 1400% of her magical attack at level +5. This is an incredibly high damage multiplier. While her M.ATK stat is relatively low (297), the total damage multiplier on her summon skills far outweighs this discrepancy.

From my perspective, I must say that the Area of Effect (AOE) of her summons is incredibly handy for dealing with groups of monsters, particularly those in peculiar arrangements. The advantage here lies in the fact that her summoned allies can launch two distinct attacks, enabling me to focus on two different clusters of enemies during a single turn.

Thirdly, Morphea boasts an incredibly adaptable arsenal of knockback techniques. Not only does Morphea herself pull enemies back towards her with her own knockback move, but her summons also offer a diagonal knockback to the left and right in front. This means that you have three distinct knockback options at your disposal, and remarkably, it’s even possible to use all three simultaneously. No other character possesses this unique ability.

4th Point: Morphea is particularly effective against opponents who can dodge attacks or have powerful counter buffs. Notably, enemies with self-destruct attacks cannot avoid them, and your self-destructing summons remain unaffected by counterattacks.

5th Point: Summoned by Morphea can significantly protect your team from large enemy assaults, as it absorbs the brunt of the attacks.

She is therefore excellent all-round for your PVE team.

PVE game modes

In the Tower of Salvation, Morphea truly excels due to her diverse arsenal of knockback skills, her capacity to handle counter-attacking foes, and her summons’ ability to absorb enemy attacks, making her an outstanding pick for this challenge. Regrettably, developers are yet to introduce her in the Tower of Salvation, so she won’t be playable right after launch.

Morphea is also good for Tower of Pride, since her summons do large single-hit AOE attacks.

As a gamer, I’ve found that Morphea can be quite the challenge during fiend hunts. On one hand, her capability to dish out heavy damage on each turn is truly tempting. However, the strategic placement of my units is crucial in some battles, and Morphea’s tendency to summon from the top left could disrupt my strategy or leave me vulnerable to a powerful enemy attack. Moreover, keeping up with her high SP cost (5 SP per turn) can be quite a struggle, especially in fights where SP regeneration is scarce.

Morphea in PVP

Morphea is a PVP game changer that will almost certainly make waves in the meta.

Prior to Morphea’s introduction, Granhildr had reigned supreme as the uncontested queen of Player vs Player defense teams. In fact, the majority of top-tier PVP defense squads featured Granhildr (either Comeback Idol or Void). This made it necessary for every attacking team to strategize around her presence.

Morphea unveils a unique type of proactive ability. By conjuring two additional figures, she essentially doubles the number of entities the opposing team must handle. If the opposing team chooses to engage these summoned figures (for instance, using frontline attackers), it provides protection for Morphea’s other units. However, if the opposing team opts to bypass the summoned units and target other defending units instead, they risk encountering powerful self-destruct attacks in the subsequent turn.

Morphea’s health stats are quite robust, much like Rou. With a base HP of 2772, she has the potential to exceed 10,000 HP when equipped with either 90% Defense or 90% Magic Resistance. This makes her summons quite hardy and challenging to defeat.

Should Morphea gain traction in the cutthroat PvP environment, we anticipate noticeable shifts in the game’s strategic landscape. Here are our forecasts for these potential adjustments:

  • If Morphea’s popularity goes up, turtle formation attack teams (e.g. running RH.Rou) may drop in popularity, as it’s harder to tank through the additional hits from Morphea’s summons.
  • If Morphea’s popularity goes up, evasion openers in attack teams (e.g. Rou, PP.Justia, Maid.Rubia) will also take a hit, since they are unable to evade the self-destruct attacks.
  • If Morphea’s popularity goes up, base Teresse may emerge as an effective counter to Morphea. Morphea guarantees a crowded front row, and Teresse’s cheap 1 SP skill would cause the defending team’s front row summons to be knocked back with a high chance of collision damage. This would then be a strong setup for followup AOE attacks (e.g. BG Justia).

In essence, Morphea serves as a revitalizing and exciting newcomer in the PVP defensive strategy, which has grown monotonous due to an abundance of Granhildr recently. Upon her debut, it’s anticipated that she could rank among the top S-tier defense team costumes (mainly because of the element of surprise while players are still adjusting their strategies to counteract Granhildr). However, we’ll have to wait and see if the meta can adapt over time.


Morphea is a high value pull with a very unique skillset. Great for both PVP and PVE.

Because Morphea’s ability doesn’t require a cool-down period, she functions well with just one costume. Our forecast suggests that a new Morphea costume could be introduced during our upcoming half anniversary or New Year event. This is based on the fact that Morphea served as the main antagonist in the last New Year’s storyline, implying a high probability of her being playable when we revisit the “dystopia” world again.

Happy pulls!

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2024-08-22 09:07