Costume Guide – B-Rank Idol Helena


As someone who’s been playing this game for a long time and has gone through the struggle of building magic teams, I can confidently say that Helena is a game-changer in PVP. When she first came out, she was just another magic buffer with a nice healing skill, but nothing extraordinary. However, after her potential upgrades, she became a must-have for any serious magic team looking to dominate the PVP scene.

One of the best magic buffers available

Huge 50% crit boost at +5

Only 1 SP with potential upgrades, making her a staple for PVP magic teams

Heal power pairs well with Top Idol Helena (base costume) for endurance in long battles

Very weak at lower levels, and needs a lot of investment to reach full power

No longer “essential” for magic teams now that MC.Teresse and Elpis exist

Crit rate buff is no longer as important as it used to be on launch

Helena for PVE

Costume scaling

Helena demonstrates exceptional strength when operating at full capacity. However, her performance significantly decreases when her power is reduced. To maximize Helena’s potential, it is essential that she reaches a minimum level of +4 and activates both damage capabilities. Keep this in mind before making any investments.

As a gamer, I find it helpful to examine Samay the 4-star Kind student and Elpis, another 4-star character, for a fair comparison. For newcomers like myself, both Samay and Elpis can be easily upgraded to +5 since they share the same rarity. However, their abilities differ: Samay +5 boosts my M.ATK by an additional 50% for two turns, while Elpis +5 amplifies my M.ATK by a considerable 70% for six turns, or even 80% with a potential upgrade.

Let’s see how Helena compares:

  • Helena at +0 is very disappointing: she gives a measly +35% M.ATK and +25% crit for 3 SP. At +0, Helena’s offensive support power for magic teams is worse than the support power of Samay and Elpis.
  • Getting Helena all the way up to +3 improves her M.ATK buff by only 20% compared to +0 (from 35% to 55%), and her SP reduces by 1. Helena +3 is only barely on par with Samay, and still weaker than Elpis.
  • At +4 and +5 Helena gives +75% M.ATK. This is finally at a level that is comparable to Elpis.

Based on my experience playing this game and observing various heroes, I’ve come to realize that Helena, despite having a +5 star upgrade, doesn’t outperform a 4-star Elpis by much. In fact, her abilities seem somewhat akin to a 3-star Arines with a magical twist. However, what sets Helena apart is the potential she holds when both of her damage potentials are unlocked. This adds an impressive +40% bonus to her M.ATK buff.

Comparison with MC.Teresse

With a full potential of +5, B.Helena enhances Magic Attack (M.ATK) by an amount equal to 115% of the original value. This is slightly below MC.Teresse’s ability to boost M.ATK and Attack by 120% each. Although B.Helena has less power, she offers significant advantages for magic-based teams in three key areas.

Helena’s strength boost lasts for 4 consecutive turns before needing a 3-turn break. Consequently, she maintains her enhanced abilities continuously without any interruption. In contrast, MC.Teresse’s power-up only appears every third player turn due to its extended cooldown. This disparity can significantly impact prolonged battles such as fiend hunts.

Helena’s enhancement benefits all nearby teammates, while Teresse’s buff only reaches a certain distance. Thus, Helena offers greater flexibility regarding positioning.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve come to appreciate the intricacies of game mechanics and their impact on the overall gaming experience. One particular aspect that has caught my attention is the cost differences between various in-game items or characters, such as B.Helena and MC.Teresse.


B.Helena’s ability to heal is an added perk to her magical enhancement, yet healing isn’t essential in most current battles. Healing has proven useful in a few specific situations, such as when a fiend inflicts continuous damage like Yukwang, and during high-level fiend hunts (Lv 11 and above). However, the majority of the time, skills that provide Energy Guards are more beneficial since they shield your team from dying instead of healing them once they’ve been hurt. Red Hat Rou and Anti-dystopian Diana both possess abilities that grant Energy Guards to your squad when their survival is crucial.

If you aim for recovery, Helena with no upgrades is still a decent choice. Assuming she has around 1500 M.ATK, Helena+0 restores 1500 x 1.35 (due to her M.ATK amplification) x 0.5 = 1013 HP per turn or 2026 HP between each enemy attack since she heals once at the end of your turn and once at the end of the enemy turn. Her healing can also crit, increasing the amount further. If recovering 2000-3000 HP per player turn isn’t sufficient to keep your team alive, it might have been doomed already.

At +5 full potential, especially with crit, Helena pretty much guarantees a full heal every turn.

Helena for PVP

After Helena underwent her expected improvements, she has become an excellent choice for magical PvP teams.

In simple terms, Helena’s low 1 SP cost makes her an excellent investment. But what sets Helena apart in Player vs Player (PVP) battles, more than H.Lathel, is her ability to boost crit rate by 50%. This significant buff enables attacking teams to equip their magic attackers with a 50% crit rate and maximum crit damage. When this setup is used alongside B.Helena, it results in consistent critical hits and unrelenting magic damage.

As a passionate player, I firmly believe that to make the best use of a champion in Player vs. Player (PVP) battles, you need to fully invest in them. This means upgrading them to level +5 and unlocking all their potentials. Trust me, the effort is worth it!


At her introduction, Helena stood out as the top magic buffer in the game due to being the sole option available. However, with the arrival of MC.Teresse and Elpis, Helena remains robust in PVE, yet is no longer indispensable because other viable choices exist.

In PvP (Player versus Player) matches, however, the situation is reversed. Initially, B.Helena was a decent buffer at the launch with only 2 SP (Skill Points), but now, thanks to her upgrades, she has become one of the top-tier costumes for PVP.

As a gamer, if I’m considering starting from scratch with her character, I want to keep in mind that it will require a significant investment on my part. I’ll need to put a lot of effort into leveling up her costumes and gathering Tears for her abilities. But the payoff is worth it – she eventually unlocks a crucial upgrade for player versus player (PVP) battles, a +5. So if you’re ready for the challenge, go for it! Just be prepared to put in the work.

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2024-07-17 19:37