Medaka Kuroiwa Episode 10: Mona’s Amusement Park Confusion

Whenever Medaka graces our presence, it’s as if a magnetic pull takes over me, drawing my gaze. Tomo, ever the charmer, seems smitten by him too, yet I can’t help but notice Mona’s subtle reactions. It dawns on me that she might harbor feelings for our beloved Medaka. Later, Tomo decides to switch schools and, in a bid to stir things up, challenges Mona. Determined as I am, I’m resolved to help Mona confront her emotions for Medaka.

Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun Season 2 Episode 9: Nene and Amane’s Daring Escape Attempt Revealed

Nene and Amane chat about Antares, a star that outshines its companion. In this conversation, Nene admits her affection for Hanako and in a roundabout way, for Amane too, urging him to depart with her. Simultaneously, Kou confronts Mitsuba following his rejection of an illusion. Despite Kou suggesting to perish and remain as a specter, Mitsuba declines, insisting that Kou should continue living instead.