Today the price for 1 GBP is 9.24 CNY. Yesterday the rate was 9.27 CNY for 1 GBP. GBP/CNY traded in the range of 9.24 – 9.27. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.32%.
Today the price for 1 GBP is 9.24 CNY. Yesterday the rate was 9.27 CNY for 1 GBP. GBP/CNY traded in the range of 9.24 – 9.27. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.32%.
Today the price for 1 GBP is 1.12 CHF. Yesterday the rate was 1.13 CHF for 1 GBP. GBP/CHF traded in the range of 1.12 – 1.13. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.88%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 19.50 ZAR. Yesterday the rate was 19.51 ZAR for 1 EUR. EUR/ZAR traded in the range of 19.46 – 19.65. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.05%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 44.71 UAH. Yesterday the rate was 44.95 UAH for 1 EUR. EUR/UAH traded in the range of 44.71 – 44.96. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.53%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 36.62 TRY. Yesterday the rate was 36.66 TRY for 1 EUR. EUR/TRY traded in the range of 36.49 – 36.89. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.11%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 36.64 THB. Yesterday the rate was 36.06 THB for 1 EUR. EUR/THB traded in the range of 36.60 – 36.67. The difference compared to the previous day was 1.61%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 4.35 PLN. Yesterday the rate was 4.35 PLN for 1 EUR. EUR/PLN traded in the range of 4.35 – 4.36. The difference compared to the previous day was 0.00%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 300.13 PKR. Yesterday the rate was 301.64 PKR for 1 EUR. EUR/PKR traded in the range of 300.12 – 302.00. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.50%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 63.87 PHP. Yesterday the rate was 62.20 PHP for 1 EUR. EUR/PHP traded in the range of 63.81 – 63.88. The difference compared to the previous day was 2.68%.
Today the price for 1 EUR is 1.84 NZD. Yesterday the rate was 1.85 NZD for 1 EUR. EUR/NZD traded in the range of 1.84 – 1.84. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.54%.