Bitcoin Could Hit $400,000 Before the End of this Cycle if Trump Wins and Keeps His Crypto Promises, Predicts Serial Entrepreneur Mark Moss

As a seasoned researcher with a keen interest in the intersection of finance, technology, and politics, I find myself captivated by the bullish outlook on Bitcoin presented by Mark Moss and Donald Trump. The data and arguments put forth by both are compelling, to say the least.

In a recent interview with Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, Mark Moss, host of the ‘Mark Moss Show’ and Partner of the Bitcoin Opportunity Fund, discussed his bullish outlook on Bitcoin, predicting that its price could reach $1 million by 2030. Moss laid out his reasoning behind this forecast, sharing the math and logic that drive his optimism.

Moss started by referencing the historical growth rate of Bitcoin, which he said has averaged a 150% compounded annual growth rate (CAGR). He acknowledged that such exponential growth isn’t sustainable forever but stated that Bitcoin’s trajectory will still significantly outperform traditional financial markets like the S&P 500. He used this data to calculate three scenarios: a bearish case, a mid-case, and a bullish case. According to Moss, even the most conservative case predicts that Bitcoin would double the performance of the S&P 500, which he considers extremely bearish. Moss pointed out that given Bitcoin’s high sensitivity to global liquidity, its price is likely to rise dramatically as liquidity in the global markets increases.

In a conversation about Bitcoin’s performance in relation to global liquidity, Moss pointed out that for every 10% rise in liquidity, Bitcoin tends to soar by 90%. This is much more reactive than gold (which has a sensitivity ratio of 1.49) or the S&P 500 (with a ratio of 1.0). Moss elaborated that this high reactiveness makes Bitcoin a very responsive asset, particularly during times of increasing money supply, which he predicts will occur in the future. Using data from sources like the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), Moss suggested that Bitcoin’s price could comfortably reach Michael Saylor’s projected range of $10-13 million by 2045

As a researcher delving into Bitcoin price predictions, I recently posed a question to my colleague Moss regarding a more imminent forecast. In response, he expressed his expectation that by the close of 2024 or the beginning of 2025, Bitcoin will trade within the bracket of $100,000 and $150,000. However, Moss emphasized that this projection is contingent on the result of the 2024 U.S. presidential election

Moss tied his predictions not just to Bitcoin but to broader societal and economic conditions. He emphasized that Bitcoin represents freedom of choice in wealth storage, a concept he believes is fundamentally tied to personal liberty. Moss warned that many U.S. citizens are unaware that their ownership of assets like cash, stocks, and homes is conditional under a debt-based monetary system. He explained that Bitcoin is the last asset where individuals can claim true ownership, unlike cash in the bank or stocks held by brokers, which legally belong to intermediaries. According to Moss, Bitcoin’s significance extends beyond being just a financial asset—it’s a way for individuals to store value outside traditional, centralized financial systems.

Moss spoke about the widening political gap in the United States and described the 2024 election as a decision between personal liberty and tighter regulation. He pointed out that even though Bitcoin won’t appear on the ballot, the underlying question is whether people can decide for themselves how they manage their assets. Moss contended that if Trump were to be re-elected, he would support individual financial autonomy, whereas a presidency led by Harris might enforce stricter regulations over personal wealth

It is worth remembering that in his pro-crypto speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference on July 27, Trump made a series of bold promises regarding the future of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency under his potential presidency. He began by acknowledging that “there’s never been anything like Bitcoin,” describing it as not just a technological marvel but also a “miracle of cooperation and human achievement.” Trump predicted that Bitcoin would likely surpass the market cap of gold, cementing its status as a major global asset.

As a forward-thinking crypto investor, I’m all about the idea of positioning the United States as the world leader in Bitcoin mining, with the ambitious goal of having all mined Bitcoins originating from within our borders. Moreover, I strongly support President Trump’s stance on individual ownership of cryptocurrencies. I believe wholeheartedly that each person should have the right to self-custody their digital wealth, ensuring they retain control over their own financial destiny

Among his notable promises, one standout commitment was vowing to dismiss the current Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler on his inauguration day if he wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election. He intends to appoint someone more supportive of the cryptocurrency sector in his place. Trump guarantees that future crypto regulations would be shaped by individuals who are advocates for the industry’s growth

Beyond endorsing Bitcoin, Trump also advocated for creating a regulatory structure for stablecoins pegged to the US dollar. He asserts that these digital assets could bolster the U.S. dollar instead of weakening it. Contrary to popular belief, he sees Bitcoin as less of a threat to the dollar and more so, the current administration’s policies that could potentially erode the dollar’s value

Trump projected a significant increase in the worth of cryptocurrencies during his administration, stating that the U.S. government is among the top holders of Bitcoin currently. He pledged to retain 100% of the government’s existing bitcoins and any additional ones acquired in future

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2024-09-05 15:48