Best Skills for Hammer in Monster Hunter Wilds

In this tutorial, let’s explore top techniques for mastering the Hammer in Monster Hunter Wilds, ensuring optimal use of this weapon!

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the Hammer stands out as one of the game’s top blunt weapons, boasting powerful charged attacks and a comprehensive moveset. This tool encourages a strategic, methodical approach to combat, emphasizing strong, yet slow strikes. Additionally, it offers a variety of skills that cater to this tactical playstyle, making each swing count more significantly.

As a dedicated Hammer-wielding gamer, I know how overwhelming it can be with all the skills at your fingertips in Monster Hunter Wilds. But fear not! If you’re one of us hammer enthusiasts looking to optimize your gameplay, this guide has got you covered. We’ll delve into the top skills that truly make the Hammer shine!

What Skills Should You Use for Hammer?


In Monster Hunter Wilds, the Burst skill is a top choice for inflicting damage. It amplifies your attack based on the number of consecutive hits you manage, making it a potential game-changer, depending on your playstyle. To activate the damage increase, you typically need to land around five continuous strikes. The more you level up, the greater this boost becomes, and it’s significantly high once you reach Level 5. This skill works best with rapid-fire weapons that enable you to land multiple consecutive hits during any opportunity.

Attack Boost

The Attack Boost ability is straightforward yet powerful, enhancing your Attack strength for greater damage output. Initially, at Level 1, it increases your attack power by 3 points. Upgrading to Level 2 raises this to 5 points, and at Level 3, it goes up to 7 points. From Level 4 and beyond, you’ll receive extra points as well as a percentage increase in your attack power. This skill is one of the top choices for pure damage in the game, and it synergizes perfectly with the Hammer.

Charge Master 

As a gamer, I’d definitely suggest grabbing the Charge Master skill if you’re using the Hammer. This bad boy amps up the elemental punch and status charge for your charged attacks, making enemies quiver in fear! At its basic level, it only gives a slight boost to the damage and status effects of charged attacks, but max it out at Level 3, and watch as your charged attacks become devastatingly powerful!


If you often encounter giant beasts that get easily angered, then the Agitator ability is perfect for you. This skill boosts attack strength and chance of success when large monsters are enraged, enabling you to inflict more damage, with the added potential for even higher damage through critical strikes.

At its initial level, this skill boasts a 4-point boost in attack power and a 3% enhancement to affinity. However, as it levels up, it can potentially reach a maximum of +20 for attack power and +15% for affinity. This combination of damage increase and critical hit probability makes the Agitator one of the most effective skills available.

Blast Attack

For optimal results when using the Hammer, we advise mastering the Blast Accumulation Ability. This ability boosts the speed at which Blast accumulates. Initially, at Level 1, it increases Blast accumulation by 5% with a bonus of 10. At Level 2, the increase is 10%, offering a bonus of 20. Lastly, at Level 3, it enhances Blast accumulation by 20%, providing a bonus of 50. This ability is highly effective in the game and is strongly recommended when wielding the Hammer.

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2025-03-11 21:57