Solomon Grundy is a renowned DC Comics villain, initially appearing as a nemesis for Green Lantern in the Golden Age, later joining Batman’s rogues gallery. A nearly indestructible, simple-minded character resembling a pasty white zombie, Grundy was originally a man named Cyrus Gold, who met his end in the 19th century and was buried in a swamp. Revived over time by mystical gas emissions from the swamp, he transformed into the undead creature known as Solomon Grundy. In an upcoming season of Creature Commandos, Solomon Grundy could be an ideal addition to Task Force M due to his powerful physique. Moreover, his slow-witted reactions to various situations could make him a hilarious character, similar to his comic relief roles in shows like Justice League Unlimited and Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Given Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn’s fondness for zombies, we believe Grundy would be a perfect fit.