KAG PREDICTION. KAG cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Kinesis Silver ranks 519 place by market capitalization. The price of KAG has decreased by 15.95% from the maximum value on 31 December 2024. Today the price for 1 KAG is 30.452801 USD. Yesterday the rate was 30.529346 USD for 1 Kinesis Silver. KAG/USD traded in the range of 30.45280130.452801. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.25%.

ARK PREDICTION. ARK cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency ARK ranks 516 place by market capitalization. The price of ARK has decreased by 93.73% from the maximum value on 10 January 2018. Today the price for 1 ARK is 0.6473 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.6733 USD for 1 ARK. ARK/USD traded in the range of 0.63070.6597. The difference compared to the previous day was -3.86%.

GME PREDICTION. GME cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency GME (Ethereum) ranks 515 place by market capitalization. The price of GME has decreased by 29.93% from the maximum value on 12 December 2024. Today the price for 1 GME is 0.003434 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.003583 USD for 1 GME (Ethereum). GME/USD traded in the range of 0.0034250.003493. The difference compared to the previous day was -4.16%.

DESO PREDICTION. DESO cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Decentralized Social ranks 514 place by market capitalization. The price of DESO has decreased by 94.27% from the maximum value on 19 June 2021. Today the price for 1 DESO is 11.3785 USD. Yesterday the rate was 11.3394 USD for 1 Decentralized Social. DESO/USD traded in the range of 11.341611.3785. The difference compared to the previous day was 0.34%.

CTSI PREDICTION. CTSI cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Cartesi ranks 510 place by market capitalization. The price of CTSI has decreased by 91.64% from the maximum value on 9 May 2021. Today the price for 1 CTSI is 0.1453 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.1478 USD for 1 Cartesi. CTSI/USD traded in the range of 0.14510.1457. The difference compared to the previous day was -1.69%.

DENT PREDICTION. DENT cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Dent ranks 508 place by market capitalization. The price of DENT has decreased by 98.71% from the maximum value on 9 January 2018. Please be extremely careful. Today the price for 1 DENT is 0.001291 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.001305 USD for 1 Dent. DENT/USD traded in the range of 0.0012900.001299. The difference compared to the previous day was -1.07%.

KAU PREDICTION. KAU cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Kinesis Gold ranks 504 place by market capitalization. The price of KAU has decreased by 13.66% from the maximum value on 16 April 2023. Today the price for 1 KAU is 86.882485 USD. Yesterday the rate was 87.308187 USD for 1 Kinesis Gold. KAU/USD traded in the range of 86.88248586.882485. The difference compared to the previous day was -0.49%.

SGB PREDICTION. SGB cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Songbird ranks 503 place by market capitalization. The price of SGB has decreased by 98.85% from the maximum value on 30 September 2021. Please be extremely careful. Today the price for 1 SGB is 0.008139 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.007963 USD for 1 Songbird. SGB/USD traded in the range of 0.0081390.008179. The difference compared to the previous day was 2.21%.

GFI PREDICTION. GFI cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Goldfinch ranks 502 place by market capitalization. The price of GFI has decreased by 95.77% from the maximum value on 11 January 2022. Please be extremely careful. Today the price for 1 GFI is 1.3856 USD. Yesterday the rate was 1.4165 USD for 1 Goldfinch. GFI/USD traded in the range of 1.38551.3900. The difference compared to the previous day was -2.18%.

ALU PREDICTION. ALU cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Altura ranks 500 place by market capitalization. The price of ALU has decreased by 71.99% from the maximum value on 3 November 2021. Today the price for 1 ALU is 0.129970 USD. Yesterday the rate was 0.138447 USD for 1 Altura. ALU/USD traded in the range of 0.1298930.130724. The difference compared to the previous day was -6.12%.