August 30th (UTC) Known Issue

As a seasoned Brown Dust 2 enthusiast with countless hours spent honing my strategies and mastering each character, I’ve experienced my fair share of bugs and glitches. But fear not, fellow warriors! The dev team is on top of things, addressing issues that have been troubling us since August 30th (UTC).

Hello, this is Brown Dust 2.

We want to let you know about the issues identified on August 30th (UTC). 
Please refer to the information below.

1. Problem: A problem where Parakyr Rex’s skill description appears incorrectly formatted.

A new Version (1.68.17) which fixed the above known issues is available (AOS/PC).
If you are experiencing the issue mentioned above, please update the App to version 1.68.17 for your convenience.
The new iOS version will be available from the App Store as soon as the app review process is complete.
We will make another announcement when the iOS version is available.

In the training mode of Fiend Hunter, there’s a glitch that allows abilities to be used without SP restrictions in certain circumstances. This problem only arises during the training mode, so you can utilize your available SP while hunting. We’re working on a new update to rectify this issue; we appreciate your patience. Our team is dedicated to resolving reported problems as quickly as possible and will notify you when corrections are implemented.

Thank you. 

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2024-08-30 15:37