Apple (NASDAQ; AAPL) Is a ‘Bully’, Says Palantir Co-Founder Joe Lonsdale

As a long-term crypto investor with a background in technology, I find Joe Lonsdale’s insights on the current issues affecting businesses and the tech industry particularly intriguing. His experiences with Palantir and his firsthand encounters with companies like Apple provide valuable perspectives that resonate with my own observations.

On June 24, 2024, I had the opportunity to appear as a guest on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” program. During my interview, I shared my perspectives on several pressing issues in the crypto space and beyond, being the founding partner of 8VC and co-founder of Palantir.

Palantir is a tech firm renowned for building sophisticated software solutions. They help organizations handle vast volumes of data by providing them with platforms like Palantir Foundry and Palantir Gotham. These tools enable users to effectively combine, manage, and extract valuable insights from their data sets.

These tools enable users to discover insightful information by identifying hidden patterns, links, and tendencies within their data. Palantir’s software is frequently utilized in sectors such as national security, healthcare, finance, and logistics, where managing and deciphering intricate data is essential for enhancing operational productivity and formulating effective strategies.

Apple’s Monopoly Power and EU Regulations

As an analyst, I’d like to share my perspective on Lonsdale’s response to the EU’s accusations against Apple. He acknowledged the European regulators’ concerns, even though he generally views them as quite aggressive. Lonsdale highlighted Apple’s bullying behavior towards the market, with its frequent rule changes and disproportionate market influence. As someone who usually champions innovation and technology, I share his sentiments. However, when it comes to a company wielding monopolistic power and manipulating the market to its advantage, I cannot lend my support.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lonsdale recounted his own encounters with Apple’s capricious rule adjustments while developers were attempting to build applications on their platform. He noted that these inconsistent demands presented substantial hurdles and thwarted their projects, despite adhering to the shifting prerequisites. In Lonsdale’s opinion, such behavior underscores Apple’s extensive authority and the importance of establishing uniform regulatory frameworks for those holding significant power.

U.S. Business Challenges in Europe

As a researcher studying the impact of European regulations on U.S. businesses, I share Lonsdale’s apprehensions regarding the EU’s penalties against corporations like Apple. I find it concerning that European regulators can potentially levy fines equating to 10% of these companies’ global revenue, which I view as an excessively burdensome approach. This could create significant challenges for business operations and sustainability.

The 2024 Election and Silicon Valley’s Political Climate

As a crypto investor following the latest developments in technology and politics, I’ve noticed an intriguing shift in Silicon Valley’s perspective towards the 2024 presidential election. Lonsdale brought up this topic during our conversation, pointing out that there’s growing unease with current policies among tech industry insiders. He emphasized that while many in this community have been known for keeping their political views private, an increasing number are now expressing support for Trump due to their dissatisfaction with the existing political landscape.

According to Lonsdale’s perspective, the backing Trump is receiving isn’t solely about him as a person but rather a response to perceived setbacks and disruptions instigated by existing policies. He brought up the Chips Act as a case in point, which stalled due to contentious DEI requirements that fueled partisan divisions. Lonsdale emphasized that such regulatory and political hurdles are impeding innovation and forward progress in the United States.

The Impact of Regulatory and Political Actions

As a crypto investor, I can tell you firsthand that Lonsdale expressed concerns about the obstacles created by regulatory bodies such as the FTC and other agencies. In my opinion, these organizations are focusing their efforts on targeting tech companies and hindering development projects. From an innovator’s perspective, this regulatory pressure presents significant challenges that hinder our ability to fully realize the potential of our country.

With respect to the relationship between the justice system and politics in the US, Lonsdale raised worries over the deeply divided application of the law. He contended that a portion of judges strictly adhere to originalist principles when interpreting the Constitution. However, it is the actions of activist judges, pursuing their own agendas, that pose a significant danger. In Lonsdale’s view, this judicial activism weakens the rule of law and disturbs the political order.

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2024-06-24 17:45