Aaron Stanford Talks Pyro Through the Ages, From X2 to DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE

As a long-time fan and scholar of Pyro from the X-Men universe, I can’t help but be drawn to Aaron Stanford‘s portrayal of this complex and misunderstood character. Having followed his journey since 2005, I’ve come to appreciate the depth of his backstory and the raw emotion he brings to every scene.

Some people were thrilled beyond words when they learned that Hugh Jackman would reprise his role as Wolverine in “Deadpool & Wolverine.” Yet, for others, including me, the prospect of another appearance by Aaron Stanford’s Pyro in a 20th Century Fox X-Men film brought equal excitement. In the initial trailer for “Deadpool & Wolverine,” Marvel Studios hinted that Pyro, played by Stanford, would make a comeback in the MCU movie. It has been almost twenty years since Stanford portrayed Pyro last, in “X-Men: The Last Stand.” For ardent fans of Pyro, the notion that he might resurface seemed like an unattainable wish. In his conversation with TopMob, Stanford revealed that he too had no inkling of a Pyro revival until rumors about “Deadpool & Wolverine” began to circulate. However, it’s now official – the dream is becoming a reality!

As a huge fan of X-Men, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with Aaron Stanford about his iconic character, Pyro, in an exclusive interview with TopMob. Having grown up watching the X-Men animated series and movies, I’ve always been fascinated by the complexities of the mutant world, and Pyro’s journey through the ages has been particularly intriguing.

Aaron Stanford on Pyro in Deadpool & Wolverine: The Multiverse, Marvel Comics Influence, and More

Reflecting back on my career as an actor, I never could have imagined that Pyro, a role I last played eighteen long years ago, would resurface in a Marvel movie. During that time, I had numerous conversations with creatives and industry insiders about potential projects, but Deadpool and Wolverine were never brought up in relation to my Pyro character. It’s truly amazing how the tides of Hollywood can change, leading me back to this iconic role.

Aaron Stanford expressed his disappointment about Pyro’s supposed final appearance in X-Men: The Last Stand. He received an unfitting end when Iceman gave him a headbutt and knocked him out. However, there were no plans for his return, not even for Days of Future Past. Although he had hoped for a reappearance, it didn’t materialize, and Stanford accepted that outcome.

As a gamer, I couldn’t believe it when I started receiving mysterious messages from my agent. Phrases like “The MCU is interested in you” and “We’re not at liberty to disclose the details yet” began filling up my phone. The anticipation was palpable, and I found myself constantly checking my messages for any new developments. Finally, the moment of truth arrived in the form of a call from Shawn Levy himself. With a excited tone in his voice, he confirmed that the rumors were true: they wanted me to reprise my role as Pyro in “Deadpool & Wolverine”. Needless to say, I was thrilled beyond words!

As a longtime fan of X-Men, I’m absolutely thrilled for all the Pyro enthusiasts out there, and I believe their numbers are substantial. Now, I can’t help but wonder: is the Pyro we encounter in the latest storyline the very same fiery friend we’ve known before, or have we stumbled upon a new character? With years of immersion in the X-Men universe, I’m curious to explore this question further.

As a fan, I can say that Pyro in this new portrayal is none other than the same fiery character we’ve come to know. He’s just older now, reflecting the passage of time for him. There are no fancy make-up effects transporting us back to his earlier years. It’s all about seeing Pyro grow and evolve with age.

Is Pyro from the Deadpool and Wolverine series a continuation of the X2/X3 film version of Pyro, or is he a character from a different universe?

As a film enthusiast with a deep love for the X-Men franchise, I can relate to Stanford’s intrigue and reluctance to reveal too much information about the upcoming movie. Having closely followed interviews with the cast and crew, I’ve picked up on hints of a multiverse storyline that promises to expand the existing X-Men universe in exciting ways.

You ask if there are any connections between the comic book character “Pyro” and the depiction of this character in the movies, specifically in “Deadpool & Wolverine.” While the film versions may have deviated from the source material, is there any particular Pyro comic storyline that inspired or influenced these movie adaptations?

As a seasoned cosplayer with a deep appreciation for comic book characters, I can’t help but be impressed by the meticulous attention to detail put into replicating the unique costume of Pyro from the Ultimate X-Men series. The team went all out in capturing the intricate design elements that make this version of Pyro stand out.

It’s a blend of appearances from different universes, with elements taken from those portrayals in the X-Men films. However, these film versions differed from the original comics in significant ways. For instance, this character is an adult Australian and, surprisingly, a gothic romance novelist. I find that last detail particularly intriguing, and I would have loved to see more exploration of that aspect.

Based on my interaction and observation of Pyro’s creative writing abilities, I strongly believe that this character has a hidden talent for gothic romance novels. With his vivid imagination and knack for creating dark and mysterious atmospheres, he could easily captivate readers with his stories.

Stanford: Let’s make it happen.

If that scenario doesn’t materialize, would you believe there’s a chance Pyro could come back in the MCU for more appearances, or was his recent return just a one-time event?

As a gamer, I’ve learned that surprises are part of the experience. I once assumed Pyro was out of the picture, but who knows what the game developers have up their sleeves? They keep their plans under wraps, so it’s a mystery what’s next. But you can bet your last coin, anything is possible in this game world.

If you had the opportunity to return to the MCU and portray a new character, which role would you consider taking up, or are you set on only playing Pyro?

Stanford: It’s an intriguing idea, but I hadn’t given it much thought. I have a strong connection to Pyro, having worked on it for an extended period. However, there are other characters that also pique my interest. I fear I might not be the best fit for The Punisher’s role, as I’m quite fond of him and don’t entirely align with that character. What are your thoughts?

“I’d really love it if we could have a dark and romantic gothic series about the MCU Pyro character produced by Disney+.”

Stanford: I found my niche.

Aaron Stanford Looks Back on Pyro in X2: X-Men United and X-Men: The Last Stand

Pyro’s Backstory

As a gamer reflecting on X2: Wolverine’s Pyro, one scene that left a deep impression on me was when we witnessed Pyro gazing at his reflection in Bobby’s family photo. It brought about an intense sense of isolation and loneliness, even more so contrasted with Rogue and Bobby’s sweet moments upstairs. That scene truly encapsulated the essence of the character for me. Did it resonate similarly strongly from your gaming perspective?

Stanford: I’m really glad you noticed that scene in the film, as it may be subtle but holds significant weight for me. That instant when Pyro gazes at the family photo and tightly clutches his lighter is a tiny detail, yet it reveals so much about his character. Initially, he appears rude and aggressive, but this moment shows us where that behavior stems from – pain. It’s clear that he never experienced the joy of a loving family like the one in the photo.

In my opinion, Pyro feels extremely isolated even among those who are also outsiders. Despite attending Professor X’s school for mutants, he hasn’t found a sense of belonging there. Instead, it’s just another place where he doesn’t quite fit in. There’s a deep sense of loneliness and pain within him. Magneto effectively reaches out to Pyro in a poignant scene, offering him a lighter as they sit next to each other, forming a connection that resonates with both characters.

As a gamer, I deeply connected with “X2” because it skillfully crafted a heartfelt bond between Magneto and Pyro. Magneto seemed to fill the void of a father figure in Pyro’s life, providing an essential support system that Pyro desperately craved. In this grand action movie, these tender moments stood out, revealing a beautifully nuanced character arc for Pyro. I was captivated by how the writers handled such a poignant storyline within an otherwise intense and dynamic film.

At that point in time, I had concerns that Pyro would be perceived as an unfriendly character by others. However, he’s a multifaceted person with intricacies that run deep. He was a complex young man back then. Despite his arrogant and impulsive demeanor, there were glimpses of his hurt heart that people managed to discern. Mike Dougherty and Dan Harris did an impressive job portraying these subtle nuances, revealing the vast depths hidden beneath.

Have you also considered developing a more detailed background story for Pyro beyond what was shown in the film? Or did the movie leave it up to our imagination with only hints?

Stanford: I respected their creative process by not interrupting or influencing their plans or text. I found their work impressive, so I focused on complementing it with my own backstory. Without asking for details about their subtext or intentions, I imagined a fitting background for Pyro based on the hints they provided in those elegant vignettes. This mental construction added depth to my performance.

And were you pulling all from Marvel Comics at that point when you were creating X2 Pyro?

At Stanford’s stage, the materials provided by him were quite traditional and outdated. The content he was familiar with, which caught his attention, did not contain much background information. However, there was an intriguing aspect to it – Stanford was surprised to discover that this person was a romance novelist. This revelation came as a shock since he had different expectations based on the comics he knew. Nonetheless, there was indeed a noticeable distinction between the two.

As someone who has been an avid comic book fan for decades, I can tell you that creating a new take on classic characters like Rogue, Iceman, and Pyro is no small feat. The creative team behind this story had a clear vision – they wanted to share an untold tale set in the familiar halls of their beloved school. And what made this narrative unique was their decision to tell it from a younger perspective.

The Meaning of Pyro’s Story

As a queer person, I can deeply relate to Pyro’s character development in the early X-Men movies. His unwavering acceptance of himself despite facing hatred and discrimination resonates strongly with me. He refuses to hide who he is and strives for more than just blending in. Instead, he embraces his uniqueness and seeks glory. This powerful narrative was either an intended or subconscious part of your creation process?

Stanford: I really appreciate your take on the film. It’s impressive and the themes stood out clearly to me. The scene where Iceman’s parents ask him if he’s ever thought about not being a mutant is particularly significant. This idea resonated with me without my conscious effort, and it aligns perfectly with the movie’s overall narrative.

Aaron Stanford on working with Ian McKellen and Pyro and Magneto

As someone who has had the privilege of working with some truly exceptional actors during my career, I must admit that filming with Ian McKellen as Magneto was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The depth and complexity he brought to the character were truly remarkable.

Stanford: God among insects. That’s great. Yeah. So that’s hard to resist, isn’t it?


Stanford: Working with him felt like a surreal journey for me. Raised in a secluded Massachusetts town, I was worlds away from Hollywood’s glamour. My aspiration was to become an actor and make a living at it. In pursuit of my dream, I relocated to New York City, expecting a career limited to small off-Broadway productions.

In simpler terms, I never expected to be where I am today, acting alongside Ian McKellen – an actor I’ve admired since my old VHS days. He brought Richard II to life in a World War II setting with such power and presence. His performances are legendary, making him an actor’s dream and an icon. The surreal experience of sharing a scene with him felt like stepping outside of reality for a moment. It was truly remarkable.

In terms of their characters, I believe Pyro identifies with Magneto in many ways. Both have endured immense abuse and refused to submit. Magneto’s unyielding spirit resonates deeply with Pyro. Their shared experiences led them both down the path of vengeance, finding solace in the company of those who have also been wronged. The appeal of this extreme mindset is strong, and it drew Pyro closer to Magneto and his cause.

Will We Ever See a Pyro vs. Iceman Rematch?

As someone who has followed the X-Men saga for decades, I must admit that the final fight between Pyro and Bobby in X3 left me feeling a little underwhelmed. I had been eagerly anticipating this confrontation since the build-up to the film, and it seemed that the encounter was cut short and lacked depth. So, I’m curious – was there ever more planned for their showdown, and could we potentially witness a Pyro vs. Iceman rematch in Deadpool and Wolverine or another upcoming X-Men project?

Stanford: it would be a blast to work with Shawn Ashmore again. Our friendship makes the prospect even more appealing. However, I understand your point. Frankly, I felt the same way – “that’s not enough.” Regarding any additional plans for Iceman and Pyro, I’m afraid I can’t provide definitive answers. Honestly speaking, it wasn’t the exit I had envisioned for my character.

Now you didn’t!

Stanford: We have this extension, so everything worked out.

In the upcoming Pyro gothic romance MCU miniseries, Iceman and Pyro may face off once more. It’d be exciting if this time, Pyro emerged victorious. I truly appreciate our shared appreciation for Pyro! This exchange has been well worth the wait since our last conversation around 20 years ago. We certainly have a lot in common when it comes to our fondness for this character.

Stanford: I agree with you. I’m truly delighted that you’re an expert in Pyro; I hadn’t anticipated that. Therefore, I’m grateful for your interest and care. Thank you.

Rotem Rusak serves as the Editor-in-Chief at TopMob. She holds a deep interest in, or even a connoisseur of, antiheroes with sorrowful pasts, and has dedicated her studies to Aaron Stanford’s Pyro character since 2005.

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2024-07-26 03:04