Tribe Nine Tier List – Best Characters

In this Tribe Nine tier list, we’ll rank each character unit based on their battle capabilities and skill set. The higher their tier placement, the better they perform in battle due to their overall kit and usefulness in the game.

D Tier

Koishi Kohinata (2-star Healer)

Koishi is a 2-star healer who gives basic healing to his allies. As a free unit, he can help your team initially on early game content, including the main story. However, his healing has low scaling and is not recommended for challenging battles and clearing endgame content. Once you obtain better healers like Minami or Tsuruko, we recommend not investing on this character anymore as you progress in the game.

C Tier

Santaro Mita (2-star Buffer and Tank)

Santaro is a 2-star support character in Tribe Nine. He can also be used as an evasive tank unit, freeing up additional slots for your DPS and healer in battle. He has a unique kit that allows him to draw enemy fire and apply crowd control effects. In addition, Mita can raise his teammates’ Attack and Support numbers during fights. However, these extra and conditional boosts demand more work to use and expire quickly. Furthermore, Mita’s poor DPS and break capabilities will place him behind other superior support and tank units with better skills and scaling, making him less desirable in endgame content.

Minami Oi (2-star Healer and Shielder)

Minami is another 2-star healer that gives strong healing and shields to her team. With her kit, she can keep your team going throughout the main story, including boss content. Her ultimate skill, Choreography, combines AoE attacks with her drone. Mina, unlike Koishi, is extremely effective in lengthy battles because she can be teamed with tank characters such as Roku Saigo and Q. Unfortunately, she has limited damage output and breaking capabilities, which makes her less desirable compared to other healers like Tsuruko.

B Tier

Roku Saigo (2-star Tank)

Saigo is a free and formidable 2-star defender, excelling in survivability and tanking capabilities. His strength lies in absorbing damage and retaliating, but he lacks versatility due to limited mobility and no support capabilities. However, with his strategy skill Shock Absorber, Saigo becomes nearly invulnerable, trading stamina for a significant 70% damage reduction. As he absorbs attacks, he builds rage, which enhances his defense and provides HP regeneration. Despite his poor damage output and slow break speed, Saigo is still a solid choice due to his exceptional survivability and tanking effectiveness.

Eiji Todoroki (2-star Buffer)

Eiji is a versatile 3-star support character, excelling as a buffer unit. His strategic skill, Spotlight, can increase his allies’ crit rate and restore a portion of their ultimate cost while also extending their ultimate duration. Furthermore, Eiji’s ultimate, Money is Power!, also substantially increases his teammates’ damage over time. Unfortunately, his combat effectiveness is limited by his low battle stats, making him situational in terms of damage dealing. Despite this, his support capabilities still make him one of the best in the game.

Tsuki Iroha (2-star DPS)

Tsuki is also a free 2-star DPS with poor stats and standard skills, making her undesirable for most team compositions. She does, however, become more powerful as you level her up and acquire many copies of her in game. Tsuki deals follow-up attacks and can increase her own damage output using her passive. She is excellent as a sub DPS unit that can also buff her allies by raising their crit rate in combat.

Yutaka Gotanda (2-star DPS)

Yutaka is a straightforward, yet effective 2-star ranged DPS with moderate damage output and AoE skills. He builds up charge either through his primary or secondary fire, the latter being a high damage laser that quickly accumulates charge but consumes stamina. Also, this charge can be used for his strategy skill or saved to enhance his ultimate’s crit rate. In terms of his passive, his first passive can raise his ultimate damage while his second passive can give an attack buff to his team. Yutaka’s battle performance is dependent on his team’s strategy.

A Tier

Tsuruko Semba (3-star DPS and Healer)

Tsuruko is a 3-star DPS and support character known for her versatile kit. She provides both sustained ranged damage and healing capabilities in battle. Her ultimate skill attacks all enemies and grants a Turning Tides buff to allies, which recovers 50% of their maximum HP when below 50% health. Her primary attacks are ranged and can increase Twilight’s Embrace stacks, enhancing her support capabilities. However, her low break ability limits her effectiveness in direct combat.

Q (3-star Tank)

Q is a 3-star tank who is capable of dealing decent damage and breaking foes. He has a global taunt effect on enemies and can enter Berserk mode to dodge and deal counterattack damage to enemies. His melee attacks are also enhanced during Berserk mode, making him a formidable force in close combat. Because his Berserk state is not permanent, he can use his Frantic Impale strategy skill instead to deal damage and breaks for a low stamina cost. Q must rely on his Madness stacks to play effectively in battle.

Hyakuichitaro Senju (2-star Breaker and Shielder)

Senju is a 2-star unit who can break enemies faster while attempting to shield his allies.  His moveset consists of casting shields on his allies whenever the third hit of his attacks and skills land on enemies. However, hitting foes will cost him HP, so he must carefully balance his attacks and skills. As a breaker, he can deal high break values to foes, allowing his team to easily defeat powerful enemies and bosses.  With the right teammates, Senju can help contribute to the fastest clears possible.

Yo Kuronaka (2-star Breaker)

Yo is Tribe Nine’s main character, a 2-star breaker who is skilled at creating openings and executing deflects. His primary attack is fast, and his secondary attack activates his unique passive, Burst Drive, which triggers both potential passives and his strategy skill, Hitting Stride. His first passive significantly boosts primary and strategy damage, while his second passive heals the team based on damage dealt in Burst Drive. He has solid break capabilities but lacks utility compared to top tier characters. His ease of use makes him a good starting point for new players, but his limited damage output and lack of scaling make him less impactful in endgame content.

S Tier

Jio Takinogawa (3-star Debuffer)

Jio is a 3-star debuffer who focuses on poison-based damage and defense shred. His Venom mechanism causes poison damage over time (DoT) and detonates for AoE damage when capped. He may also reduce foes’ armor by 25% and deal break damage. His skills require patience and strategic play to maximize their impact, but his capped damage output makes him less suitable for fast-paced battles. Despite these limitations, Jio’s unique abilities make him a valuable asset in specific team compositions.

Kazuki Aoyama (3-star Breaker)

Kazuki is the current best breaker in Tribe Nine. As a limited 3-star, he deals significant damage to opponents while shielding his teammates. His kit consists of Memory stacks, which may be used to boost his damage or attacks. He is a stronger version of Senju, capable of breaking foes fast and dealing a lot of damage. Also, breaking enemies quickly allows him to dodge or counterattack. His strategic playstyle makes him helpful in a number of team combinations. To prevent Memory stacks from depleting, his assaults and skills must be carefully controlled.

Miu Jujo (3-star DPS)

Miu is one of the strongest 3-star DPS, specializing in burst damage through her ultimate skill, Resonance Accelerator. She is a powerful unit in team fights since she increases the damage output of her ultimate by building up Resonance stacks. She is skilled at arranging Luminous Crystals to optimize her damage potential, and her primary attacks are ranged. However, her low Break ability and reliance on Resonance stacks can make her challenging to use effectively in close combat.

Enoki Yukigaya (3-star DPS)

Enoki is another top-tier Damage Per Second (DPS) character who specializes in dealing high damage on single targets. Unlike Miu, she doesn’t unleash burst damage; instead, she relies on melee attacks to deal damage and can build up Heat stacks to enhance her output. Enoki’s ultimate ability, Ignition, sets her blade ablaze with blue flames, resulting in a powerful slashing attack. To reach her full potential, it is crucial to master her abilities due to her aggressive playstyle. However, managing the heat stacks effectively during battle can prove fatal if not handled carefully.

Conclusion and Final Recommendations

Tribe Nine version 1.0 has 15 playable characters, 6 of whom are 3-stars and 9 of them are 2-stars. Priority should be given to collecting Kazuki Aoyama while his banner is still available, as well as obtaining Tsuruko Semba on her rerun banners if other new 3-star characters have kits similar to hers. For ordinary 3-star characters, you can select Enoki Yukigaya or Miu Jujo as your primary DPS, or prioritize Jio Takinogawa as your debuffer.

For free-to-play or low-budget players, we recommend getting duplicate copies of all 2-star characters to maximize their damage potential and skill effects in endgame content. Yo Kuronaka, Hyakuichitaro Senju, and Tsuki Iroha are the among the best 2-star characters to obtain in multiple copies.

While this tier list highlights Tribe Nine’s greatest meta options, keep in mind that your own playstyle and available in-game resources should ultimately guide your investment decisions. Even 2-star A-tier and B-tier characters can perform well with proper team building and optimal Patimon sets, especially while completing main story content and endgame modes!

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2025-03-18 12:13