Monster Hunter Wilds Players Say Goodbye To Their Favourite Chefs From World


  • Fans revisited Monster Hunter World before Wilds’ launch to say goodbye and engage with their favourite NPCs and Palicos.
  • Players tearfully thanked Grammeowster and Meowscular Chef for their delicious meals and buffs.
  • They will keep cooking!

At long last, Monster Hunter Wilds has arrived! Though some have already sampled it during beta trials, die-hard series enthusiasts are revisiting Monster Hunter World to wrap up any lingering tasks. Given that World is Capcom’s biggest hit, it’s no surprise that players are making one final foray before the debut of Wilds.

Apart from hunting their preferred monsters, fans also launched the 2018 game version for enjoying the landscapes and conversing with their beloved Non-Player Characters. Although monsters and weapons hold significance, players will miss the tasty dishes prepared by their favourite feline NPCs like Grammeowster and Meowscular Chef. Consequently, World’s gamers are visiting to bid farewell to these cherished characters.

They Will Never Stop Cooking

In the vibrant world of Monster Hunter, I’ve been expressing my gratitude on the subreddit to those extraordinary culinary artists. These remarkable individuals not only served up mouth-watering dishes but also bestowed upon us buffs that eased our hunting challenges. The heavyweight feline and charming elder kitty chefs have left a lasting impression with their delectable creations.

Meowscular Chef enlightened us about the importance of eating nutritiously for our physical well-being, whereas Grammeowster brought back memories of our grandmothers and relatives who prepared meals with love and sent us off satisfied. Be sure to let her know you’ll be gone for a period.

In this rephrased scenario, one comment portrayed a heartwarming moment that had us all feeling quite emotional. “As you walk away from her, she calls out: ‘Wait traveler’, and gives you a bag. Upon opening it, you discover potions and steaks within. You gaze back at her. ‘May fortune favor you in the Wilderness’ she says.” Again, I can’t help but feel a bit misty-eyed; it seems the feline chef is chopping onions!

Regarding the topic of the Meowscular Chef, a remark stated, “I adore that he was once an Admiral’s Palico before embracing his culinary career. It’s fascinating to think about the hunts they might have shared together.” Such praise is exactly the kind he’d appreciate.

If you haven’t yet expressed your gratitude and farewell to these two individuals who have ensured your nutrition and wellbeing, remember to do so before proceeding to Wilds.

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2025-02-28 09:57