Approximately twenty years ago, the character known as the Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff, cast a potent spell that irrevocably altered the lives of mutants. When she proclaimed ‘No more mutants,’ nearly a million mutants lost their powers, and dozens perished due to her magical abilities. This event, referred to as the Decimation, has tormented Wanda for two decades, earning her the derisive title of ‘Great Pretender’ among the mutant community.
During the Krakoan Era, it was fortunate for Wanda that she discovered a means to make amends. In a pivotal scene from the Trial of Magneto, she played a crucial role in establishing the ‘Waiting Room,’ an ethereal realm where any mutant who had previously passed away could be brought back to life.
This significant deed led mutants to pardon her, earning her the title ‘The Great Redeemer.’ Yet, it took a considerable amount of time for her to find self-forgiveness.
In Avengers #22, penned by Jed MacKay and illustrated by Farid Karami, we witness Wanda coming to terms with her past. This issue includes a comical sequence where Wanda and Storm join forces for a daring heist at the cosmic Speculatorium casino.
Wanda proposes creating a diversion by acting as if they’re having a dispute. In a jovial manner, she requests Storm to address her as ‘The Great Pretender,’ reviving an old nickname with humor. This casual, humorous exchange demonstrates that Wanda has moved past the weight of her previous deeds.
Wanda’s experience encompasses deep suffering and resilience. Over an extended time, her autonomy was stripped from her, and she was frequently depicted as ‘unhinged’ by the men around her. Currently, she is in a phase of healing and personal development, assertively shaping her own storyline.
The Decimation was a distressing experience for both mutants and Wanda. Storm laughing at one of Wanda’s self-deprecating jokes suggests that mutants have found closure from that troubling period. It’s touching to observe the growing friendship between Wanda and her mutant companions, particularly Storm.
In the present day, Wanda has been working diligently to correct her past errors. Her playful reference to herself as ‘The Great Pretender’ indicates substantial personal development and self-awareness. This humorous exchange in “Avengers” #22 serves as proof of her remarkable progress, earning her love and admiration from the public once again.
Right now, you can get your hands on Issue 22 of The Avengers, which is definitely worth a read if you’re curious about how the character Wanda Maximoff is developing within the Marvel Universe.
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2025-01-18 21:14