‘This Isn’t a Good Example’: Liam Neeson Wishes He Had Given Up Drinking Sooner

As a lifestyle expert, I admire Liam Neeson for his honesty and bravery in sharing his personal struggles with alcohol. His journey is a testament to the fact that it’s never too late to make positive changes in one’s life, especially when it comes to setting a good example for our loved ones.

In simpler terms, Liam Neeson reminisced about his past drinking experiences during his youthful years. Although the actor has been sober since 2013, he expressed a wish that he had stopped drinking and becoming intoxicated earlier in life.

During an interview with People magazine, Liam Neeson expressed that he didn’t want his sons to form a misguided image of him and instead wished for them to view him as a role model worth emulating.

Speaking to reporters, the actor admitted to drinking an entire bottle of wine within an hour on certain occasions, followed immediately by another one. As he came to understand this, he felt that giving up the habit would not only improve his own life but also benefit his family.

Regarding giving up alcohol, the actor from Love Actually expressed that if he had made this decision 20 years earlier, it would have been beneficial. He further mentioned, “I’ve never gotten excessively drunk; I don’t think I ever truly got drunk. My personality didn’t seem to change much. I was more of a cheerful drinker.

In a pivotal moment, the Absolution star exclaimed, “Suddenly, I felt, ‘Hold on.’ It struck me, ‘This isn’t setting a good example for my sons, so I’ve decided to subtly cease. No grand announcement. Just a quiet cessation.’ And that’s exactly what I did.

Nevertheless, Neeson stated that his companions too stopped consuming alcohol, meaning they’re all following the same journey. He admitted that this is indeed a genuine struggle, and he “completely understands their situation.

Discussing when he began drinking, Liam Neeson shared that this was primarily after his wife, Natasha Richardson, unfortunately died at the age of 45 as a result of a brain hemorrhage from a skiing accident.

Speaking candidly about a tough period in his life, the actor confided in the press, “I found myself drinking excessively. This habit began after my wife passed away. In the evenings, particularly, I’d often find myself finishing off two bottles of wine.

Beyond quitting alcohol, Liam Neeson has been dedicating time to maintaining his physical fitness. He mentioned casually that he usually works out at the gym “nearly every day,” though he chooses to keep the particulars of his workout regimen private.

In simpler terms, the main character from Schindler’s List expressed, “I dislike discussing my work in detail. Frankly, it becomes tiresome listening to other actors chat about their jobs. It feels like too much chatter.

As for the actor’s upcoming projects, Neeson will play the role of Thug in Absolution.

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2024-10-24 19:22