9 Things To Learn About Friendship From Harry Potter Franchise

As a self-proclaimed Potterhead of extraordinary proportions, I can attest that J.K. Rowling’s magical universe has not only captivated my imagination but also enriched my life lessons like no other. The Harry Potter series, with its captivating blend of magic and morality, has served as a beacon for me in navigating the real world.

A substantial part of why the Harry Potter book and movie series are such a crucial aspect of popular culture is due to their blend of being both captivating and insightful. J.K. Rowling skillfully created a mesmerizing fictional universe teeming with magical potions, spells, fantastical creatures, and other wonders, but she also made sure that the stories imparted valuable life lessons that could guide readers towards becoming better individuals in reality.

Among the most powerful lessons presented in the story is the importance of friendship, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione embody this theme beautifully as they do throughout the series by J.K. Rowling. Their friendship was put to the test numerous times within the halls of Hogwarts, yet they consistently prevailed, demonstrating that having a reliable, trustworthy group can greatly simplify one’s life journey.

Below, we have summarized the best friendship lessons from Harry Potter. We’ll consider our job done if our readers end up sending a text or making a call (wish we had the owl post service) to their Rons, Hermiones, and Harrys after reading this piece.

Unconditional Loyalty

From the initial movie, The Philosopher’s Stone, Harry didn’t do anything specifically to gain Ron and Hermione’s loyalty, yet they stood by him steadfastly throughout the series. It was actually Ron who bravely sacrificed during the Wizard’s Chess game to aid Harry in his quest to uncover the magical stone and prevent Voldemort’s comeback at Hogwarts. In response, Harry trusted Ron wholeheartedly, despite their brief acquaintance. As for Hermione, though she joined later, she became a pillar of strength in their friendship during challenging times.

Embrace Differences

In contrast to Harry, who came from a lineage almost royal in the magical world as both his parents were exceptionally talented wizards, Hermione was not born into magic, her parents being ordinary Muggles. Ron, on the other hand, hailed from an esteemed wizarding family, yet despite their prominent status, they faced financial difficulties. However, these differences never impeded upon the strong bond they shared; rather, they celebrated and valued them. Hermione’s analytical skills proved invaluable, Harry’s courage was unparalleled, while Ron provided constant encouragement, ultimately making them an invincible wizarding team.

Forgiveness is Key

It’s important to acknowledge that many of us have ended friendships due to being unwilling to apologize or forgive when necessary. Unlike ordinary people (muggles), Harry, Ron, and Hermione did not repeat such errors in their friendships.

In the initial movie, it was when Hermione caught Ron making disparaging remarks about her to Harry that their relationship took a turn. At this stage, neither of them were on friendly terms with each other. However, Ron’s words stung Hermione deeply. Yet, when they jointly rescued Hermione from the Mountain Troll, she chose to overlook their past transgressions, thereby setting the foundation for their enduring friendship.

On another occasion, the threesome put their friendship above past misunderstandings during their hunt for Horcruxes. When Ron struggled with jealousy towards Hermione and Harry’s growing relationship while grappling with his own feelings for the intelligent witch, he chose to depart from the group. However, this wasn’t a permanent decision, as he quickly recognized his error and came back to his friends who had always kept their door open for him.

Defend Your Squad

In situations where Ron faced bullying due to his family’s poverty, Harry and Hermione bravely defended him. When Hermione was maliciously targeted as a Mudblood, Ron and Harry stepped in to protect and console her. Regardless of any doubts about Harry’s motives with his powers, he never needed to look for his friends’ assistance—they were always by his side.

Communication is Essential

Effective communication plays a vital role in friendships, especially in larger groups. Drawing from personal encounters, we’ve all experienced feelings of exclusion within social gatherings or witnessed others being isolated. However, how frequently do we express our emotions or advocate for friends in such instances? Rarely. Instead, we usually withdraw, potentially damaging relationships that have been nurtured over time.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione encountered comparable strains in their bond when Ron didn’t express his feelings for Hermione and questioned her trustworthiness while she stood by Harry during challenging situations. Fortunately, unlike numerous others, they overcame these hurdles by openly discussing their emotions and admitting their shortcomings.

Be There in Tough Times

Previously mentioned, standing by one’s friends is like an unwritten rule. Much like how Ron and Hermione have consistently been there for Harry in times of emotional distress or when he needed help, you too can emulate this bond. Whether it was during that heart-wrenching moment when Harry hid behind his father’s Invisibility Cloak to learn about the betrayal of his parents in Hogsmeade, or when they stood by him after witnessing Cedric’s death and he was left devastated, these two were always there for him. So, don’t pass up the opportunity to be a friend like Ron and Hermione to those around you.

Value Trust

No relationship can thrive without trust. In the Harry Potter franchise, we learn to value trust not only through its demonstration between Harry, Ron, and Hermione but also through Harry’s choice to trust Sirius Black or Professor Snape despite their tarnished reputations at Hogwarts. Dumbledore, for his part, places immense trust in Harry, despite Harry’s less rational and often rash personality, teaching us that trust can help a person flourish in the harshest of conditions.

Celebrate Each Other

Despite struggling with self-doubt and feeling inferior, Ron still took the time to acknowledge and celebrate Harry when he won the Triwizard Tournament. Before anyone had officially crowned him champion, Ron – who felt unworthy due to his own feelings of being overlooked as a younger student in a competition mainly for older students – reminded Harry of his abilities and worthiness.

Choose Your Circle Wisely

In the story, when Draco Malfoy attempted to befriend Harry Potter at Hogwarts for the first time, but Harry rejected him due to his disrespectful behavior towards others, it underscores the idea that a person’s worth is reflected in their companions. Throughout the series, while Draco and his followers continued to behave negatively, Harry and his friends achieved remarkable success together.

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2024-10-07 14:52