One legendary hair metal band releases most misleading song ever

As a gamer who grew up in the 80s and was deeply immersed in the world of heavy metal music, I’ve always had a soft spot for Mötley Crüe. They were the bad boys with a glam twist that made them stand out from the crowd. However, their latest song “Cancelled” left me scratching my head more than banging my head to their rhythm.

The phrase “cancel culture” is often misused and lacks a clear definition. When someone commits a mistake and reacts defensively to any criticism, they may claim that attempts are being made to “cancel” them. However, it might be more appropriate to say that they need to be liberated from their fleeting popularity.

In the 1980s, Mötley Crüe was a significant force in the hair metal genre. While their albums weren’t always works of high art, they stood out from the crowd compared to bands like Poison. Unlike Poison, Mötley Crüe has managed to stay relevant, perhaps due to their consistent touring and embracing their glam side, which set them apart.

To be fair, Mötley Crüe never experienced “cancellation” despite their rock ‘n’ roll antics often veering into the excessive. Perhaps they should have, considering the wild escapades that came with the territory. But fans seemed to embrace these outrageous incidents as part of the band’s signature style. Stripping away the spectacle, Mötley Crüe were essentially a group of guys donning makeup, creating loud music.

Motley Crue never lived through the theme of their new song

The reason their latest song, titled “Cancelled,” seems deceptive is because it suggests they’ve been cancelled, when in fact, they were never truly cancelled. Even Tommy Lee, drummer of the band, admitted to Bill Maher last year that they were just on the verge of being too ridiculous to survive, not actually dangerous enough to be “cancelled.” So, if the band was truthful, the song should probably have been titled “Not Cancelled.

Despite the song suggesting they were in actual trouble, Mötley Crüe didn’t experience such difficulties. It’s plausible that the band may have embellished their story for artistic purposes, but it’s clear that they are quite distant from anything related to art.

“Express your honest thoughts, there’s a chance people might criticize you or even stop supporting you/Label me as worthless, and I’ll see my reputation crumble/Take a risk, it’s all an act/Uncovering my flaws in the name of being ‘woke’.

Apart from the clever puns, one could ponder if the band intends to deliver a political message as well through their use of “woke.” It’s plausible that they believe their fanbase tends to be conservative and would embrace the term. However, it’s clear that Mötley Crüe is not expressing personal experiences, as they have never been – nor will they ever be – subjected to cancellation.

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2024-10-05 13:00